I'm sure that title caught your attention. Yes. I am sure it did. Well in this episode of Misaki's life, I have an announcement to make. COOKIES!
Yes. That was it.
Well, I guess I am going to write my thoughts and feeling now.
I think that the overdramacacies of my life have rapidly grown in height, width, and volume. My life revolves around the overly dramatic encounters that come from roleplaying. Some things send shivers down my spine, others need to learn to pick up speed. Don't worry, for those who need to pick up speed I will spice you up. My darling Araa needs to learn how to act when in the presence of the 'One Winged Angel.' She does. Spitting blood and spit into his face isn't going to help her at all.
Izu Darling! You will be greatly missed! By the way darling, I have to introduce you to a new song, I love it. It is so, so, so good. I can't stop listening to it. Oh yeah, I kicked Sasuke for you.
I have an update for Twinkie. He found that if you stick the pinecone in tight places, they are hard to get out.
Itachi! It is now inevitable, you are going to die. -Cries in dark corner.- ITACHI! WHY!? WHY!? -Drops down to knees.- I wish you weren't insane.
Well, I have a basketball game tomorrow. That should be fun. /)_-; I hope we win! We better win!
Seishi-sama, you play that Sephiroth, show Araa who is boss! Teehee. Anyways, you rock the role of Sephy-kins! You really do. I love it! Plus you are so good at writing.
My day of common sense I believe has grown even denser, but it really does help me in English class. I swear, some answer I come up with. I read this story called "The Lady, or the Tiger?' and it was the type of story I hated the most. The ending was one where you have to interpret it yourself. I think she chose the Tiger, well, that's what I would've chose.
Rei = Mr. Evil Bungle Fart Mc Fart Fart Fart pants! >_<; Jerk, wake the hell up! -Punches with a stick of cement- FEEL MY WRATH! GAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Rei. Your woman is dying and you are WORKING with KADAJ! Baka. I hope she hates you when this is all over.
Ah, no, I am just joking about that part, she won't hate you, but she won't talk to you for a year. HAHA! TAKE THAT YOU IDIOT! Nor will she look at you. She won't really look at anyone, it is time for Araa to go emo for once in her life. I believe it is because she had been such an optimistic brat for her whole life, even with her most hated mother. Her life had been full of so many bad things, bit she had always kept her head up. Guess this is what sends her off the edge.
Well, I will probably rant tomorrow. I will have alot to rant about.
Go Reno GO!