Because I know I can....
Just because I can, I am going to be very evil to my role playing characters. I don't know why, but it's just funner that way. And yes I used the word funner. ^-^;; I already know Araa hates me, and soon she will hate me more. 'Cause I am about to be a meany. Rei will hate me too. Heehee. That means Cheseru will have to REPLY! -Cries.- I wish she had a computer. Then she could reply freely! -Goes into emo corner.- Anyways, Soon Amai is going to visit her soon to be dead mother. then, I will have her mother say a couple encouraging words to make Araa want to kill her. Then the fun begins. /)_-; Did I mention Amai's mother is stupid. She is going to say some ad stuff in front of Rei. that's not good. I swear it isn't. Well, I have to go. Hope to vent soon. ^_^;
...and I know I will...