some basterd stole my giant rock cry cry cry This is why I didn't want ********' Shaun or Sarah playin' with it!!!!! now that a*****e ******** theivin' little asstard Trey has it cry cry cry I miss rocky!!!
Chapter 8
The light seemed to break in from the treetops. The dark, ominous morning mist began to lift. Kuro smiled and ran ahead of Olivia untill he was standing on a giant cliff. The Sun seemed to greet them and congradulate them. Olivia ran up behind them as they both gasped. They had reached the first destination on their long quest, Pewter City!!! Kuro fell to the ground in relief. He took a giant breath and blew up twoards the sky. "We made it..." He finally sighed. Olivia smiled, finally she thought, My first step twoards a new me She looked down to Kuro to see he had ran down the cliff and was now plopped onto a giant rock. He grinned as he got comfy, "Nice..." he flung himself backward and laid down. Olivia came down and plopped herself onto one too. "May I help you?" A deep voice asked. Kuro lifted his head up slightly, to see a old man standing in front of him, His white beard seemed very old, as if it had rested there since the man was born. "Just resting" Kuro smiled and layed back down. "If you're so tired, go plop yourself in the city's Pokemon Center." The old man suggested. Olivia jumped at the sound, A Pokemon Center! Nice comfy beds, great food, place to heal her Pokemon. "Let's go!" Olivia yelled as she grabbed her stuff. Kuro shrugged and grabbed his stuff as well. Just as they were about to leave, the old man called out, "Wait!" Kuro turned around, "What?" The old man sighed, "That'll be 9.95$" Kuro's head bobbed, "For what!?!?" The man grinned, "For resting on my merchandise of course." Kuro sighed impatiently, "Fine! I'll buy the biggest, carriable rock you own!"
After shelling out the money needed for the resting fee and the rock Kuro bought, (which Olivia was still confused about) they made headway twoards the Pokemon Center. They dropped their Pokemon with the Nurse and grabbed a table in the cafeteria for lunch. Kuro ordered a hearty stew while Olivia got the All-You-Can-Eat Buffet. "So, after lunch," Olivia began in between gigantic mouthfuls, (Kuro simpily watched in disgust and awe) "I say we it the nearest Gym." Kuro nodded, then chuckled, "With all the pounds you're putting on you're gonna need it." "WHAT'D YOU SAY PUNK!?!?" Olivia yelled, she layed down her ham and grabbed Kuro by the collar. "I said you are what you eat ya pig!!!" Kuro shot back, clearly angered. Olivia finished her giant ham, and left to go get her Pokemon. Kuro pushed away his bowl to go get his, he hadn't eaten a single bite.
After thanking the Nurse Joy (who oddly was the sister to the nurse in Viridian), Olivia and Kuro took off twoards the Pokemon Gym at full speed. They arrived at the front entrance and stopped. It was gigantic! Huge rocks surrounded the area, some began to move all on their own, influcencing the idea they were Pokemon. The front door slowly swung open to reveal a dark and dank arena. Giant boulder lined the stands and ground. "We're here for a gym match!" Olivia and Kuro yelled into the gym. "A gym match huh?" A voice responded, then out from atop the tallest boulder of all lept a tall dark man, his hair spikey and brown, while his eyes...well, his eyes were shut. "Umm..." Kuro began, "Could you open your eyes?" The man shook his head, "It's a condition, never could." He sighed, "So, who will fight me first?" "I WILL!" Olivia and Kuro called at the same time, they stared at each other, sparks flew through the air. "Fine!" Kuro yelled, "One way to settle this!!!" They faced their fists twoards each other, "ONE, TWO, SHOOT!" Olivia flattened out her hand, Kuro kept his in a fist. "PAPER COVERS ROCK!!! I WIN!!!!" Olivia yelled triumphently. Kuro hung his head depressedly, "oohhh man! I wanted to go first," he sighed and clamboured up to the stands.
The Gym Leader and Olivia stood facing each other at a distance, "We shall use two Pokemon each!" He yelled, "My name is Brock, and yours?" "I Am Olivia, hailing from Cinnibar Island!" She responded. Cinnibar huh? Kuro thought, long ways away... "Go!" Brock through his Pokeball, a white light flashed, and out popped a giant rock with two arms, eyes, and a mouth. It floated in midair and gave a cry. "OH MY GOD A ROCK!!!" Kuro yelled excitedly. He rushed over from the stands, and gave a gigantic hug to the new Pokemon. "Stop hugging Geodude!" Brock ordered. Olivia sighed and shook her head, "Kuro what's wrong with you?" She mumbled silently. Geodude punched Kuro in the head, he simpily hugged Geodude harder. "Alright," Kuro let go, "I'm done!" He let go and ran back to the stands. Olivia threw her Pokeball, and out popped her Nidoran. "Go! Tackle!" Brock commandedm Geodude dove twoards Nidoran full speed. "Double Kick!" Nidoran kicked out it's back heels and began furiously kicking Geodude, it kicked and kicked and kicked untill Geodude bit the dust, defeated. Brock withdrew Geodude and threw his second Pokeball, out popped a giant rock snake appeared onto the field. "KYAAAAA!!! ANOTHER ROCK!!!!" Kuro yelled excited. "Onix! Tackle!" Onix ran over and smacked Nidoran to the ground, knocking it out. Olivia winced, and withdrew her Nidoran. She threw her second Pokeball, and out popped Charmander. "Metal Claw!" Charmander ran over and scratched Onix with it's claws. Onix yelled and fell to the ground, clearly over-powered. Charmander and Olivia did a victory dance, "WE WON!!!!" Kuro booed, he wanted the Onix to win. Brock walked over and handed Olivia the Boulder badge for a job well done.
The Next day, Kuro had his match and won even faster then Olivia did, after a short farewell with the Gym Leader. They set off for their next destination. The everly eerie Mount Moon, Home to the most mysterious Pokemon alive, and one of the most confusing and unsolved mysterys ever to have fallen from the heavens.
A/N: I'm not even supposed to be on right now, but withen the next two days I intend to right the Halloween Special, So I had to rap this up A.S.A.P I woke up at 2:00 AM and began writing I learned that on adult swim, right before Astro Boy, Full Metal Alchemist comes on. Which makesme very happy happy. Astro Boy sucks though, you know, limited budgeting and what not. one of those things they make to say, oh yea, we did make it. and I dunn care what anyone says, me <3 Death want one. Oh well, this is another chapter up, and it's a wrap! Oh yea, and sorry you couldn't hear my battle in this chap, i'm in a hurry, and It woulda turned out the exact same way. So, sorry fangirls! You know who you are! mad D rofl rofl rofl wink
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