A/N: Before I begin, I make a few statements to my very small audicence. I was only joking about the whole free man s**t. I actually envy you people for having dates and stuff. I go to people every day, or rather they come to me, and ask me for advice on this sort of thing. I give what I can, and I sit there and cringe, wishing that were me with the person that makes me happy to be with, to be alive. The one person I like...probably doesn't even know I do. it's one of them sad, silly little crushes... and god-forbid, I felt horrible the other day. one of my friends looked at me, and asked, "do you think I was just meant to be alone?" I said with confidence, "No one is meant to be alone, everyone has someone." I smiled, but deep in my heart, I could feel I was wrong...I'm one of 'em, no doubt on it. So to those, that do have someone who cares for you, who cares about you, and who would stand by your side at hell's gate. I simpily say, do not let go. because, I heard from a wise man, a relationship, is meant to build both of you up, you help them feel better about themselves, they do the same for you but vice versa. If you have found someone like that, with a tear in my eye, I envy you. hang to that special person, and be thankful you found them. go home tonight, and relise how special you are to them, and how special you should feel, for having someone like them...
the stars glimmer overhead, like tears fallen from the angels, and the moon beckons me to continue on. so on that note, here's chapter 9
Chapter 9
Under the foreverly mysterious Mt. Moon, the moon silently watches over head. The stars seem to beckon for one of their own to return to them, and the wind howls with anxiety for that which is sure to come. Olivia and Kuro slowly walked through the halls of the mountain. Darkness swallowed the corridor's, the wind howled through the halls, devoid of life. Olivia clung to her Charmander, it's flaming tail keeping the darkness at bay. "C-c-can't we do this in the morning?" Olivia shuddered. Kuro shook his head as he walked ahead, "I want to hit the middle of the mountain by tonight, they won't hold the festival, just because you're a little scared of some measly dark." Treecko spun it's head around as it sat on Kuro's shoulder's and stuck it's tounge out playfully. "Oh stop!" Olivia pouted. Charmander shot out a ember at Treecko, making it freak out and fall off Kuro's shoulders. Kuro looked around, confused, "There's no Pokemon about...not even a measly Zubat." He sighed, "I guess they sensed the Festival and took off." Olivia was now confused, she asked angerly, "What is the festival you keep rambling on about?" Kuro stopped dead in his tracks, making Olivia bump into him. "The festival..." He spun around, a sort of zombie-like stare was worn upon his face, "Of the Ghosts!" Olivia screamed, "Don't give me that look again Kuro!" She yelled angerly as she bashed him in the head. "SSSSSSSSSSHHHHHHH!!!!!!" He hushed her angerly, "Do you WANT to scare of the ghosts?" He ran off, and motioned for her to follow. A bit uncertain, she nodded and took off after him.
They stopped behind a boulder big enough to hide behind. Kuro peeped over it, and then motioned for Olivia to do the same. She peeped up to see a gigantic blue rock that seemed to sparkle underneath the moonlight. "The Moon stone, said to have arrived from Outer Space itself." Kuro whispered in awe. Olivia shook her head at her friend's obsession with rocks. "No no! Look!" He pointed out to the Moon Stone just in time for her to see a figure materialize in front of the rock. It appeared to be a giant dragon that seemed to breath darkness. Around where the dragon had materialized, darkness had begin to breed and enshrowd the area. Olivia shivered as she held Charmander tightly, Kuro simpily stared in awe, "The King of the Ghosts, the Afterlife, and Beyond," His words seemed to tremble in the sight of the magnificent apparition, "Giratina..." Olivia tugged at Kuro's sleeve, "Okay, great we've seen him, can we leave?" He simpily shrugged her off. Giratina let loose a might roar, and out from the darkness came many more ghosts, some the spirits of humans, others of Pokemon, others WERE Pokemon. Kuro nearly broke into tears as he counted off the ghosts and ghost Pokemon, "Presidents, former leaders, ancient legends, Gastly, Haunter, Gengar, and tons others! Look! The Ghost of Maiden's Peak! and the Gastly she owns!" Kuro pointed to them as he looked back at Olivia, who was in tears. She murmered softly, "It's so dark....so....dark....Please.....let's just leave....please..." Kuro looked down sympathetically at his friend, he had never known her to be a nyctophobic. His eyes flashed, "Okay," He stood up, grabbing her sleeve, "we're leaving." Giratina let loose another roar, and darkness enveloped Kuro and Olivia. Olivia looked around panically, and the last thing she saw was Kuro reaching out to grab her hand, before her entire world was devoured in the dark.
Kuro called out, "Olivia!! OLIVIA!!!" A voice echoed out into his mind,
Why have you come here?
Kuro looked around confusidly, trying to figure out who had said it, or whatever said it had SAID anything
The voice penetrated his mind again, this time more demanding,
Answer me! Why have you set foot on this hallowed ground?
"I came to see the Festival of the Ghosts!" Kuro called out to the darkness that enveloped the area.
I see... the voice murmered, I saw you get up, where you intending to leave?
Kuro nodded slightly.
If that's the case, then why? The Festival of the Ghosts only comes around onec every millenium.
Kuro called out, "Because my friend was scared, she's a nyctophobic, and..." he stopped, and then continued softly, "I know what it's like to be afraid of the dark, it's so cold...so...alone..." His voice came back, a fire burning in his eyes, "I wasn't about to let someone else suffer that same cold, lonely, darkness!"
FOOL! Kuro winced at the loud voice, I can see into the ver depths of your soul, your true essence relies on the darkness, you cover it with a small amount of light because you fear it. The time will come when one day, you will be given the option of great power, and you will seize it, letting the darkness rule over your judgement. The voice laughed evily, When that time comes...You shall truely know fear
Kuro shuddered, I will let you out! Follow your path, follow your destiny, but beware, the farther you follow this path, the voice began to fade with the darkness you may not know who are come path's end! it laughed as the darkness cleared. Kuro looked around to see they were outside Mt. Moon. He looked twoards the sky to see the dawn was approaching. He dropped to the ground, considering all that the voice had told him. He looked in front of him to see Olivia, unconcious on the ground. He gasped and ran over to her, he felt her hand, ice cold. He felt her pulse to feel it was still beating, very fast too, as if something had petrified her. Her breathing was also irregular, mist escaped her lips with each breath. He sat down next to her, and sighed. Everything the voice had said....something about it scared him, not because of how soul-chillingly evil it had sounded.
he was scared becase something about it seemed true...
A/N: this was supposed to be the Halloween special, sorry for it being so late...I worked hard, it seemed good to me. well, comment, and trust me, what the voice (Giratina, for those of you who haven't figured it out) had said, will have something to do with the plot!!!!
good night...sleep well...
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