I had this done earlier....but gaia had to be evil, so, now i'm retyping this....I wanna cry....damn you gaia cry cry cry
Matchbox Twenty and The Last Goodnight rekindle my happiness smile
Chapter 7
That night, Olivia, Beedrill, Nidoran, Treecko, Mankey, Magikarp, and Kuro all sat around a campfire.
"So that's what happened..." Olivia concluded, "Look,i'm sorry I flipped on you guys like that, It was wrong of me." "No no no, It's ok, It's a mistake anyone could have made." Kuro reassured her. Kuro pulled the pot off the top of the fire, and began serving up the stew he had made. Olivia began devouring hers as quickly as possible, "This is delicious!" She exclaimed through a full mouth. Kuro took a bow, "Thank you." They continued eating for a little bit, after about Olivia's 5th bowl of stew, Kuro asked, "So, why are you on this quest of yours?" Olivia responded, "I'm on this quest to do somethng i've wanted to all my life, before I return home and get married." Treecko began choking on it's stew, Mankey's eyes grew big. "You gettin' married!?!?" Kuro asked shocke. Olivia turned a bright red in the face and nodded. Kuro opened up the sketchbook and pointed to the picture of the girl and the guy together, "So, I assume this is you?" Her face seemed to turn a even deeper shade of red, "Yea, that is." Kuro adjusted himself, "Well, go on, tell me all about it!" She smiled, "Okay, well, here goes."
"A couple years back, when I was still young, I was attacked by a Machop and Ekans." Kuro inturrupted, "So, you lived in Cerulean I presume?" Olivia shot a glare at him, "Just sayin, seems logical!" She shook her head, and continued, "I was attacked by a Machop and a Ekans. Eventually I was backed into a corner, the Ekans had bit me in the leg, and I could feel the poison starting to take effect. My vision was fading, I couldn't run, the Machop was punching me in the face, I thought it was going to be all over. Right as the Machop and Ekans went to deliver the final blow, a guy jumped in front of me and took both of the attacks. He swung a stick at both of them and they ran away. He turned around and smiled one of the sweetest smiles I've ever seen in my life. I passed out as I tried to smile back. Next thing I knew, I was on his back. He was carrying me to a hospital. He had told me how close I was to death, and how dangerous that was. I asked him how he was, because I could see him wincing in pain. He told me it was nothing big, and everything was going to be okay. I leaned twoards his ear, and whispered to him 'I love you' Now, years later, we're set to be engaged, I told him I was going on this quest to grow up a little, become a better person you understand." Kuro nodded. "I want him to be proud of me, to be proud to point at me and say, "I love her!!"
Treecko was in tears, Mankey was sniffiling, Kuro smiled sadly. "Must be nice to have someone love you like that..." Kuro murmered, "What was that?" Olivia asked, Kuro jumped and began studdering, "N-n-Nothin'! Nothing at all!" Kuro smiled and scratched the back of his head, embarressed. Kuro took out a bottle of water and a rag, and began cleaning the pot. "So, Kuro," Olivia asked, "Why are you on your quest?" Kuro sighed, "Because.....I have no home..." Kuro sighed. It was Olivia's turn to adjust herself, "Why don't you tell me from the top?" Kuro nodded, "Okay..."
"Ever since I was born, I've been a orphan, a hated one at that. I never had friends, I was always made fun of, and I always was alone. The only friends I had were the Pokemon. Well one day, one of the girl's I knew at the orphanarium was being threatened on her life. I couldn't just sit around and do nothing, so I pushed her out of the way of the guy with the knife and got a giant cut in the shape of an X on my back." Olivia gasped. "No there's more! The guy was so angry at me that he pinned me to a tree and began slowly cutting at my throat. I could feel the ice cold pierce of the knife and the hot dripping of the blood. At the last minute, A Psyduck came and attacked the guy. I made it out alive, but only barely. At the age of 7 I moved out of the Orphanarium and made a home for myself out in the wilderness. I just decided that, maybe it'd be better if I was out travleing...plus besides, maybe I can make a true name for myself you know?"
Olivia gasped, "S-s-s-so, is that X......is it really...." Kuro turned around and lifted his shirt to reveal a giant red X going through the center of his back. "I'm so sorry..." Kuro shook his head, "Don't be, it's not your fault." They sat in scilence for a long time, "I'm still sorry..." Olivia whispered. Treecko leanded over and whispered something in Kuro's ear, he nodded. "Hey Olivia," Olivia looked up, "We'd like to know if you'd join us on our quest, it's always nice to have a little company ya know?" Olivia jumped at the chance, "I'd love to!" Kuro extended his hand, "Then let's shake on it, partners?" Olivia grabbed his hand, "Partners!!!"
A/N: Well, After Writing this twice, I'm now happy ^^
Welcome to the Magical World......Of Filler eek eek eek
QUIZ TIME!!!!!!!!
What Parody was that line from? Who said it?
Well, please comment, took 2 hours to write this filler, so comment it now!!!!
and also, remember contest, need name, and banner biggrin 3nodding 3nodding 3nodding
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