I dunn declare it, as of today, COLD SEASON!!!!! everyone in my family except for me at this point is sick. I'll probably end up sick withen a matter of days. Kinda crappy prospect considering my favorite holiday of the year is coming up in a couple days...Love Halloween heart soon enough, i'll have to write a Halloween special, since i'm closing in on 10 successful chapters ^^ I intend to have many many more then that, but it's always fun to celebrate a success. I hope to have one fan-fic as long as Olivia's ya know? well, i'm done rambleing, so i'll begin writing.
Chapter 6
The wind howled with a certain ominission. Kuro and Olivia stood a good distance apart, sparks flying through the air. With one simple movement, two pokeballs flew into the air, and in a burst of light, Mankey and a Beedrill burst into the air. Kuro flinched, Beedrill were known to be devious, poisonous, and aggressive. Mankey looked into the eyes of the giant bee the buzzed before him. It's menacing red eyes flickered with excitement. "Beedrill! Use Fury Attack!" Beedrill lunged at Mankey with it's two stingers. "Mankey!" Kuro yelled, "Quick, Dodge, then strike back with Scratch!" Mankey leaped out of the way into a tree as Beedrill smacked into the ground. Mankey screeched and scratched Beedrill with it's claws. Beedrill, obviously weak now, struggled to get back into flight. Kuro snickered, "Focus Energy, then finish it with Karate Chop!" Mankey got into a fighting pose, and took a deep breath, then leaped into the air to strike Beedrill. "Quick Beedrill!" Olivia yelled, "Before he get's the chance! String Shot!" Beedrill shot up, then shot out a big glob of webbing. It smacked Mankey and threw it against a tree. Olivia now snickered, "Now Beedrill! Poison Sting!" Beedrill lunged at Mankey with it's main stinger and stung Mankey right below the heart. It removed it's stinger from Mnakey to reveal little purple liquid oozing from the sting. Mankey, right before Beedrill was out of reach, scratched it with one of it's newly loosened claws. The webbing wore off, and Mankey fell from the tree. Beedrill fell to the ground unconcious. Mankey grinned with a sense of triumph, then fell to the ground unconcious. "A draw huh?" Kuro snickered, "Not bad, but we're not done yet." Olivia nodded herself, "Not bad yourself, "she winked, "But you're not going to get away with looking through my sketchbook!"
They both drew their next pokeball, and threw them into the field. In a burst of light, out popped Treecko, and for Olivia, out popped a Female Nidoran. "Treecko! Quick Attack!" Treecko ducked to the ground and dashed off at full speed twoards Nidoran. "Nidoran! Dodge!" Olivia ordered. Nidoran side-stepped out of the way as Treecko dashed past. It ran up a tree to avoid collision. Kuro smirked, the perfect postion, "Jump from the tree and use Pound!" Treecko jumped out of the tree, and came down hard with it's tail upon Nidoran. Nidoran slammed into the ground, but got back up with ease. "Double Kick!" Nidoran dashed twoards Treecko and attempted to kick it, but missed as Treecko merely jumped out of the way. "Poison Sting!" As Treecko came down, Nidoran jabbed it with it's horn, knocking it into a tree. Treecko came down with a thud, and struggling, got back up. "Use Quick Attack, then Pound!" Treecko dashed into Nidoran, knocking it back, then turning to a stop, smacked Nidoran with it's tail. Nidoran fell to the ground, KOed. "One for us!" Kuro yelled excitedly, Treecko turned around and gave a thumbs up, its teeth twinkling as it did so. Olivia sighed, and recalled her fallen Nidoran. "It's not over yet!" she yelled angerly as she threw her 3rd and last pokeball. In a flash, out popped Charmander. Treecko took out a Oran Berry it had tucked in it's tail, and ate it to regain strength. "Charmander! Ember!" Olivia yelled. Charmander shot out a burst of fire, and hit Treecko square on. It fell to the ground, simpily knocked out. Kuro snarled, and recalled Treecko. "It's all up to you now," Kuro whispered to his pokeball as he threw it.
In a pop of light, out popped Kuro's Shiny Magikarp. Olivia stood, mouth-agape, then busted out laughing. "That's your last Pokemon!?!?" She laughed, "It's a Magikarp! You have no chance!" Kuro snarled, "Magikarp! Use Splash!" Magikarp began hopping up and down. Olivia continued to laugh histarically, Charmander actually fell to the ground and also began laughing. Magikarp continued to hop up and down, and eventually, came falling down on top of Charmander's head. Charmander rubbed it's head, and angerly stomped it's feet onto the ground. "Charmander, use Scratch!" Charmander ran up and scraped Magikarp with it's sharp claws. It stopped flopping and fell to the ground unconcious. Kuro fell to the ground, defeated, and recalled Magikarp. "We won! We won! We won!" Olivia yelled happily as she danced with Charmander. Kuro sighed, stood up, and walked over to Olivia. "You did good, congrats, that was a hard match!" He grinned, Olivia stared at his hand for a second, smiled, and shook it. "Good match!"
A/N: Wow! That was one hecka tough match wouldn't you say? Well, I lost, fair and square, and I think I did a good job capturing all the aspects of it. Now, Do your part, and comment, do anything you feel like! I dunn care!
6 chapters in, and we still don't have a title to this fan-fic, so I ask of you, the reader, to think of a title and make me a banner or something for this fan-fic. I will pick the one I like best, and of course, reward the person who made it, with all my Gold! So come on people! please help me out here!
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