OMG I'M SOO SORRY!!!! I've had writer's block for soooo's sucked!!!!! i'm listenin' to Foamy while doin' this...not too smart for me... so, I need to work harder on this, and not on school, school sucks...gym sucks.....YOU GET THE BALL!!!!
Chapter 5
It had been a long time since she'd entered the Viridian Forest. The Trainer sat down and plopped out a sketchbook, the name Olivia taped onto the front. A orange lizard with a bright flame on it's tail came and curled up next to her. Olivia smiled lightly, and pet her Pokemon. "Thanks Charmander" she said softly. She took out a pencil and continued on her drawing. It was a charecter based on her, and another person based off of her boyfriend. She had her resting on her boyfriend's chest as he stroked her hair. She stroked her own long brown hair, thinking about her love. She couldn't wait to return to him, someone he could be even prouder to point to and say, "I love her!" Charmander blew some fire onto the campfire in front of them, to keep it going. She smiled, and continued to draw as Charmander began to fall asleep. She yawned a little too, and looked up to the sky to see the postition of the moon, top peak. midnight... she thought tiredly, she closed her book, stashed it in her backpack, and crawled inside of her sleeping bag. With a stretch, she dozed off. What she didn't relize, was that she had in fact knocked over her backpack, knocking out her sketchbook. It slid down a hill, and landed on top of a Butterfree's back. It flew off, droping the sketchbook at the peak of it's flight. It fell onto a poor, unsuspecting trainer's head. Unbeknownst to this trainer, this sketchbook was going to lead to a big mess.
"Where did that Pikachu go!?!?!?" Kuro yelled angerly. Kuro, Mankey, and Treecko earlier that day had bumped into a Pikachu, one of the rarest Pokemon in Viridian Forest. Treecko climbed into a tree to look, Mankey was swinging from tree to tree, Kuro was searching the thick grass in the hunt for Pikachu. Mankey fell from a tree, sparks seemed to jump out from it's fur. "Aha!" Kuro yelled excitedly and looked around to see the Pikachu taunting Mankey. "Get him!" Treecko jumped out of the tree and slammed Pikachu in the head with a devistating Pound attack. Pikachu fell to the ground, seemingly defeated. Kuro smirked, he reached for his belt and pulled out a Pokeball. "You're mine," he chuckled, and as Kuro went to throw the ball...
He fell to the ground as the unknown object smacked him dead-square in the head. With a quick scramble, he looked around and grabbed the Pokeball to see that the Pikachu had already scurried off. Kuro sighed sadly, "Stupid...thing." He bent down to pick up the object that struck him and made him lose the Pikachu. It was a sketchbook of some kind, on one side it read "Olivia". Treecko jumped onto his shoulder and Mankey jumped on his head as he opened up the sketchbook. Inside wree beautiful sketches, some of just random pictures, some of mystical creatures that he had only seen in his dreams, some of a girl and her friends, and the others of a girl and a guy, who seemed like not even Hell itself could pull them apart. Mankey sighed a silent sigh, Treecko gazed upon the sketchbook's magnifigence in pure awe, Kuro smiled sadly. A lot of those pictures reminded him of his earlier youth, all the people he'd ever seen, laughing and smiling with those near and dear to them, while he sat alone. Alone..... He shook his head to get those damned memories out of his head. Mankey flew off as he did so. "I'm sorry Mankey!" Kuro apologised as he helped him up. Mankey snickered a little, a hint of annoyance flickering in his eyes. "Whoever this is a talented artist, this, Olivia person," Kuro concluded. Treecko slapped him in the head as if saying, "NO DUH GENIOUS!!!!"
He sighed, "We'll find her in the Morning, as for now, we should get some sleep."
Morning stooped into the area with a certain dazed feel. The morning mist seemed to sluggidly drag about. Kuro got up with a stretch and a yawn. He pulled out a small brown bag, a cup, and a ligher. He got a fire started, and began making some coffee. Treecko yawned and got up, the notebook clenched in it's arms. "Treecko, did you sleep with that thing?" Kuro asked confusidly. Treecko nodded, embarressed. He then opened it up to reveal a picture made out of twigs and leaves, it appeared to be a picture of Mankey, Magikarp, Treecko, Kuro, and a girl. "Treecko!" Kuro yelled, "That's someone else's notebook! You could get in a lot of trouble for messing with other people's belongings." Treecko blushed a little, then walked over to see what his friend was making. "It's coffee, you want some?" Kuro asked as he poured himself a cup. Treecko nodded cautiously, then, after Kuro added some milk, sugar, and honey, handed the cup to Treecko. It took a sip, tasted it a little, and grinned. "hehheh, I know you'd like it!" Kuro grinned as he took a big sip. Mankey slowly tredged over to the two, took the cup outa Kuro's hand, took a big gulp, then crawled off to go back to sleep. "Seem's like we have a real morning person on our hands," Kuro grinned as he took out a fresh bottle of water. Treecko grinned and together, tiptoed over to where Mankey slept. "WAKE UP!!!!!!!" Kuro yelled as they poured the bottle over Mankey's head. Mankey screeched and shot up, soaking wet. Mankey slapped them both over the head with a angered look. Then, they all started laughing. After several minutes, Kuro sighed, "Today's gonna be a good day! I can feel it!" He declared.
Olivia awoke with a start as a big drop of water plopped onto her face. She yawned, stretched and took a look around. Charmander had a fire-proof blanket over itself and was snoozeing happily. She smiled, cute... she thought. She reached into her backpack to pull out her sketchbook. Shocked, she searched through her bag, and emptied it out, not a sketchbook to be seen. "WHERE IS IT!?!?!?" she yelled frantically. She had yelled so loud Charmander had jumped out of his blanket and smacked his head on the trunk of a tree. Olivia took a quick glance over to see Charmander rubbing it's head in pain, then went back to frantically searching for her sketchbook.
"IT'S GONE!!!!"
Mankey jumped behind Kuro terrified. Kuro jumped around at the sound of the scream. It sounded like someone had either been attacked, or was surprised by something. He shook Mankey off his leg, "Come on, we need to go see, it could be this Olivia person." Treecko grinned, and took off running. Kuro gaped in amazement as Treecko dashed off at full pace. "Wait up!" He yelled as he and Mankey ran off in pursuit.
Olivia, on hands and knees, was crawling over the ground searching for her sketchbook. She couldn't bear to lose it, it contained everything she had ever drew! There was no way she was going to lose it now! She almost pressed her nose to the ground looking for her sketchbook. Charmander began crying out, Olivia turned to see Charmander pointing at something, which she figured to be a bug. "Oh stop!" She said, "There's gonna be bugs in this forest, doesn't mean you should be scared of them!" Her head turned in the sound of a plopping noise, like the sound of running, then a voice began yelling, "Treecko! Wait up!"
A little green gecko Pokemon tackled her to the ground.
Kuro caught up finally to see that Treecko had tackled some innocent girl to the ground. "Treecko!" Kuro yelled, "What has gotten into you? There's no reason to be pile-driving people to the ground." He began to pick Treecko up when it pointed twoards the name on the sketchbook and then to the girl. "Are you saying....this girl is...her?" The girl gasped and snatched the sketchbook away from Treecko. "So you're the theives that stole my sketchbook!" She declared angerly, "You thought you could get away with it huh? You didn't look in it did you?" "No no no no no no no I swear we didn't!" Kuro yelled. "You lie! I can see it in your eyes!" She declared, "Well, only one way to settle this, a Pokemon Battle!" Kuro's eyes flashed, and flickered with excitement, "So, a battle huh? OK then, I may not have stolen your sketchbook, but I sure can't turn down a battle! Bring it on!!!"
Author's Note: Holy crap! that was one of the LOOOOOOOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGEEESSSSSTTTT Writer's block periods I've had! Oh well, it took a couple weeks, but it's finally done! So come on! i'm back! read, comment, do what you wish!!! I'm back in the saddle!!! biggrin
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