I've got a little extra time on my hands (plus besides I'm not going to school tommarow, can you say catch up day?), so i've decided i'm going to just write untill I have to get off. it'll keep my occupied anyway...oh well, have fun! biggrin
Chapter 4
With one word, the fight was underway! Treecko dashed twoards the opponent with full speed. "Diglett, Dig!" With a sudden motion, the little brown mole disappeared under the ground in a flash. Treecko stopped and looked around, confused as to where his opponent had vanished. Kuro looked around nervously, where was the Pokemon going to pop? He looked twoards the ring just in time to see the Pokemon smack Treecko into the air. With a sudden thought, he yelled, "Use Pound!" Treecko responded by fixing himself and slamming the Pokemon back into the hole. Gary looked a bit startled, but remained calm and shouted, "Use Magnitude!" Treecko landed back on the ground right as it began to shake lightly. It held it's position as Gary cringed. Kuro had learned all about Ground types during his spare time, they were his favorite type of Pokemon. He had learned Magnitude's power varied every time it was used, meaning one time it could be abnormaly powerful, the next it could be incredibly weak. Diglett popped back up, unsatisfied with his attempt. "Treecko, Absorb!" Treecko, with a move of his arms, began turning green, Diglett began looking in pain too. "Diglett, Dig again!" Gary cried as his little mole Pokemon ducked back into the earth. Kuro smiled, this time, he'd let Dig hit and he'd finish Diglett with one well timed Pound attack, easy as cake. "Fissure!" Gary yelled. Kuro gulped as the earth began to shake again. The earth spilt in half as Diglett popped up right under Treecko again, knocking him hard into the wall. The Fissure had struck it's mark. Treecko landed with a thud, knocked out.
"This battle is over! The victory goes to Gary Oak, the Gym Leader!" Diglett smiled with excitement and began popping up and down all over the place. Gary chuckled and recalled his Diglett into it's Pokeball. Kuro went and picked up Treecko, "I'm sorry Treecko, maybe next time." Treecko gave a thumbs up and smiled, his teeth twinkling. Treecko crawled up on top of Kuro's shoulder and perched himself there, exhausted from the match. "You did better then any other rookie trainer I've fought," Gary admitted, "But you still have a ways to go." Kuro nodded, "Thanks for the match, it was fun,btu next time i'm not going to lose!" Kuro challenged. Gary seemed stunned for a second, and then smiled. "You know, you remind me of a old rival of mine." Kuro laughed, waved, and then exited the gym. Man, I wonder how that loser is doing...ever since he became Champion Gary wondered, he sighed, and then returned to his lab, to continue on his research.
Kuro walked back in to the Pokemon Center, a bit disappointed after his lost. Treecko, who was feeling back to his old mischevious self, crawled on top of Kuro's head, and leaned over into his face. Kuro moved him and laughed, Treecko was obviously feeling better. Nurse Joy spotted him and rushed over, 'Kuro wasn't it?" He nodded, wondering what was up. "We've got a problem, Pichu escaped!" Kuro smiled, "Ok, was it feeling better?" Nurse Joy nodded, "But aren't you worried?" He shook his head, "Naw, I brought that Pichu in because it was attacked by a Mankey, I caught the Mankey and brought Pichu over here because it was hurt, now that it's better, it probably ran home to it's family." Joy remarked at his thought, and smiled. "Hey, I got a question," Kuro began, "I need to get on the road, where do I head from here to find a gym?" Joy smiled, "Directly north of here is Viridian Forest, it's a natural maze so you may wanna stock up on supplies from the market. Pass through there and you'll hit the Pewter City, home of the first gym in Kanto." Kuro smiled, nodded, grabbed his Pokeballs of the counter, and left the Center.
Kuro took a brief detour into the Pokemon Market to pick up some much needed supplies, with only 3 pokeballs left, and no food, they weren't going to survive a trip into Viridian Forest. He went in with some saved up funds. 50,000 Yyen, it was good enough. He bought 20 Pokeballs, and about 7 monthes worth of food and supplies. With his bag stuffed, Kuro, Treecko, Magikarp, and Mankey left Viridian City. After about a half mile hike, they stood at the entrence of the forest, a silent ominous feeling descended upon them. Treecko shivered. With night falling fast, they had to get in and try to get out as fast as possible. Kuro shook his head, and looked forward into this new territory. With one deep breath, they marched into the unknown. But with new areas, lie new enemies, new foes, and new rivals. Will they be ok? We'll find out soon...
A/N: I skipped school today, shame on me xp but, more chapters for you guys right? so we're good for everyone! i'm going to be working non-stop today, so expect at least 2 more new chapters comin' at ya!
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