Writing Arena SpotLight
- i am truely done by mahoganielastrada
- Our friendship started out as four Me, Michelle, Allie, and breanna
- Im not just a dog. by RaWr-username
- This is about a long life of a dog who gets put in a shelter,But will he get adopted or will he end up else where?
- could someone please tell me.. by Quelaan
- read, rate, discuss, comment. do what you want.
- IGNORE. by AgentScrappy
- This is for my friends on myspace, because myspace is being gay.
- Me by o-Jeli-Bean-o
- about the way i am
- The red rose by Hikari I Am
- A short story about Love,War, and Death. Hope you like it! :)
- My Story I wrote,A Twin Conect by Sakura320
- bout to twins dicorvering there destiny and who they really are and controling there powers to become the most powerful Magicians ever known to mankind.
- emilees note. by prettypink65
- a note that i feel i may send to her....
- Theif by killerredeyetito
- its about a mysterious theif...and read
- The Lonely Wolf (Kiawa's Story by Fiction Fantasy Love
- I am starting a story and this is going to be the begining. (Not seperated in chapters but I will write as much as I want and use real places, along with a history background) So stay tuned wolf lovers!
- I dont want to be here by gh0stofGREEN
- this is a bit sad sorry for the buzz kill i just wanted to see what u guys thought cause im tired of the way some people treat our soldiers the next time i wright it will be happy lol
- The Hours. by Another_Oddity
- Inspired by the abstract of fluid words, un-edited and un-rehearsed. David Bowie is a n influence and what else but my own experiences. Enjoy :)
- Mask by MandaPanda15
- Id like u to interpret it however you want, either way dont we always read things and relate it somehow to ourselves lol
- What has this world come to? by Galadhwen--x
- My output on what the world looks like right now.
- First love by castielakage
- Alright, this i wrote a while ago. Since i had recently lost my first love. I had Just turned sixteen when this had happened. I think some could relate to this story, since some have i'm sure lost their first love and had to ...
- K+A word of our wings by LiberationOTM
- Kigenki+Akito the words of our wing and the sky we fly in we dont just howl at the moon we soar the sky has no limit and it holds our dreams
- Blue Shadows by Dire_kala
- Inspired by a writing exorcise an old teacher of mine taught me
- THE T~I~G~E~R~ by XxBrisonXx
- I Wish I knew God by Kitten Aces
- A Little something I wrote when my beautiful cat had kittens. Sadly, a few of them died, and I came up with this. It was so hard burying her :[
- All Because of Untied Strings by Alexanderpia
- A poem about the things he didn't say to me and what I should've said to him, after all these years I see him again. My mistake... 3 years of silence. :(