Writing Arena SpotLight
- weres a hero when u need one? by the other zach
- everyday someone is skammed,hacked or bannd for spamming but..
- Unseen-Obsess-Choice-Decision by Jacqal
- I just wrote this up yesterday because I feel confused if I don't write out my feelings somehow. it's totally 100% true, too.
- The Boogie-Man by xXDark_ImprisonmentXx
- You'll never think of IT the same again...
- Sound by Hows Your Trousers
- Uhh I was sooooo bored So I wrote this I guess >.> It's prob. really crappy wrote it at 3.30 ish
- Fairy tales Act 2 by Bye-Bye-Crow
- The second Story in my Fairy tale colection
- The Stranger by suicidalXkiller
- ...Are you brave enough to read............... ( i put it as non-fiction becuase im have life like dreams about this)
- The shoot by suicidexkid
- is a microtale about the bad life of a person is a window to my life somethink small think about it an see the really history behind the tale
- "Missy Bendicion" Spanish by PGZC
- my adventures @ aibonito, PR where i meet a crazy druken old man. hope that u understand spanish. this story has copyright. no plagarism please.
- do not cry by Serinity kennedy
- :gonk:
- Why is it this way by Chibi Kirby-chan
- this is a true story my friend '-'
- The Beauty of Architecure by puppy love cutie101
- i wrote this as an essay for a contest and won. I hope you like it too!
- help me!!! i just want advice. by sam92597
- i need some advice. please help me.
- love story by The Smexi jules
- u probaly think oh man love but this story will touch the heart you never had!!:heart:
- Broken Heart! by The Fallen Tragedy
- This is a true story and i want to tell you who its about but its... personal and it makes me feel awkward to tell oyu who this life was about but if you know who its about, i hope you treat her better or she will die with pai...
- The Guy by ii MU5IC ii
- What has previously happened in my life. (I need advice)
- Perunga's revenge by Dazzen
- This is my original story that i started work on 3 years ago in high school and finally began to work on again after playing Dnd using it as the setting, this is only the frist draft really of the prologue so please dont be put...
- the other side of me by -jacqui17
- its a true story about me the side people dont know or they dont wish to know
- Friends are Important by -Eve- Code Nemesis
- This is a poem that I create... But it doesn't have a rhythm... That is related to our story... T_T