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Writing Arena SpotLight
    • A Little Lost Mermaid by InsouciantAngel
    • It's going to be broken up into Chapters so chapter 1 is this one and then you might have to go to my page to find chapter 2 Please feel free to leave comments as long as they are nice and helpful, I would love to become better...
    • Solar Flare, Death of Earth by ArtemiJynx
    • This is a dream I head after like a week of insomnia... o.o It's kinda long.. It's about the death of the earth(Julian would be friend of mine) The story is how the earth is getting close to the sun and we have to escape, but i...
    • I See My Future Like This by AiixSN
    • If I could see the future, then I already know what it would be like. Drip, drop... The rain pours down heavily as I place my forehead against the glass of the window. Tears blur my vision as I try to keep my breath at a steady...
    • Silent Dreams Chapter One by Serenity Maverick
    • A horror story I started a few years back but didn't finish. I decided to try again at it so please tell me what you think, as I always love feedback and suggestions on improvement. :)
    • The Road To Hell by Toxic Cakes
    • This is just a short story I wrote one day. Tris is a teenage runaway, living in a dangerous city. One night her bestfriend and only friend doesn't come home. Doing what needs to be done, Tris sets out for a adventurous and str...
    • The Last Tree by Roozu_chan
    • One last tree in the forest, seeing from its point of view as if it has feelings and thoughts like a person.
    • excerpt of Ch2 of league fic by nasugi
    • A little bit of the second chapter of a League of Legends fanficiton that I'm writing. Give me your thoughts? ^-^ It's a flashback Yasuo is having about his deceased master.
    • ~Unknown Secret~ by Kichiara Rose001
    • Nanami...is an unusual girl with a strength that even she doesn't understand. Her life will spiral into utter chaos once it happens...once she finds out about her unknown secret. PART 1 ((Hope you like it :heart:))
    • Butters X Reader - Hello Kitty by I Kichi I
    • (Taken from my DeviantART account, World-Detective-L) Your best friend Leopold 'Butters' Stotch has invited you over to his house! What'll happen while you're there? Butters/South Park belongs to Matt Stone and Trey Parker St...
    • The Real Life Rapunzels by luvveyu
    • Taking place at the future Academy of the United States is a story of mystery, adventure, and romance as a group of teens discovers the secrets of the school and the magic of forbidden love. Join them as they rebel against the ...
    • Dimensions and Choice by KuhakuNi
    • Chitose Hazuhara, A 17 year old boy. Life... as we know it, boring, endless, and full of greed or hatred. He was born into a very wealthy family, known as the Hazu Foundation. His family was about to disown him because he spent...
    • Mirror, Mirror by ZombieChic093
    • What's behind your reflection in the mirror? Or is that even you? In a world where mirrors are portals to another demension, everyone is assigned a 'shadow'. They must protect their 'shadows' from ever passing through the por...
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