Writing Arena SpotLight
- terrific party by PrettyLittleOrphanWhore
- Another writing assignment for my class we had to write about a terrific party appealing to the senses.
- A Bloodstained Love by cocacola66
- Okay so I wrote this story I think it's pretty good i'm not the best writer. It's about this girl who meets this guy who sort of has this secret which you wont find out till later in the story. The girl has a best friend who tr...
- little johnny by PrettyLittleOrphanWhore
- yet another assignment for my class
- A Heart of Steel and Porcelain by ms_Punkette
- Author notes Okay this is something from one of my confidential files. It's very important to me and the whole story is yet to be finished. I think I'm almost on the second chapter. I'm releasing it because I'm losing hope in ...
- A Heart of Steel and Porcelain by ms_Punkette
- 2 this is the first chapter finished!!!
- Blackness by xxx_monster_in_ur_headxxx
- Chapter 14
- WhenItAllComesCrashingDown Ch2 by o0Fauste0o
- Chapter two of the series.
- under the cloak of night... by XxXa-girl-called-killXxX
- this is just something i wrote one day and intended to turn it into a novel but didnt. however, i feel that the piece itself is too good not to be shared.
- Nevermore Chapter 2 by Duchess Florianne
- The second part....I may be a lil bit long...
- The Forlorn Ocean by Sumarika
- It's my first completed story that was not assigned at school xD Hope you like it ^^ (even though there may be some mistakes)
- The Girl Who Died Part 2 by Aphrodite21today
- the qestions of my stupididy by maraschky64
- grilled cheese sandwichs
- My name is America by somegirl328
- America's life from birth to age 14. hope you like it.
- Ashley's Story Part 1 by demented_crow
- a story i have started. lol. i don't have a friend named ashley that i can think of but i just used the name. lol. and here it is. i started this on valentines day because i was alone and bored. lol. also it ends on a really...
- Heed this warning. by x_XNightmare_BabiiX_x
- Lock your children up at night. Hide them in the basement. Don't let them out or your sight unless you want to find their cold and lifeless corpses on the sidewalk infront of your door.
- The Faint of Heart: Preface by killernightengale
- My original story. Deal with it.
- the many acts (act 2 ) by CutiePieGirl411
- my sis did act one im doing the rest acudedly put in non fiction
- The Faint of Heart: Chapter I by killernightengale
- Again, my original story, and again I say unto you... deal with it.