Writing Arena SpotLight
- september 11,2001 by FLiPpiN-aWsHUm
- twins towers
- Well, It's not that good... by Negative Miku
- I was REALLY bored one day, so I grabbed my laptop and opened Appleworks...
- Personal Thoughts by KNARD HOCKS
- One of many personal opinions about the Human Race.
- My Life by Teri_Michelle
- This is about my life...its a true story
- get a life by Lilly_Glimmer_Joy
- growning up ,life and when you feel like your parents are trying to run your life.
- Inside Gaming 154 14/10/09 by Emo-Rukia15k
- "Friends" by CheshireEin
- I suffered from this the longest in Elementary school since first grade this is what I still see now. Now I am in Middle school eigth grade.If you like it feel free to PM me.I don't know if the advice is good sorry if it isn't....
- the who's stupid by Lucky_Diasparo
- this story is very very funny i hope u guys like it and enjoy^_^
- I'm Still Here by ravenblood28
- A letter to my friends past and present.. love ya sammy and blondie.
- saying good-bye by centheny1
- this is a real dog, these are real people and this all pretty much happened over all.
- the wierdest thing i said. by takyeena
- wierd
- Unrequited Love by Starkisses67
- I knew him all my life, he told me everything. I loved him, but he didn't love me. He hangs onto that tramp like a little lost puppy. I thinks it's time to let go. What do you think? I enjoy comments
- My Rant on Facebook by Mitsuki Izuka
- Ok, I don't go on FB, my mom does. My dad does. My aunt does. I watch them. DO NOT STEAL FOR THIS WILL BE ON YOUTUBE OR SOMETHING!!!
- Day in Spanish by Kittygirl390
- I was in spanish class and my teacher was talking about the day of the dead and everyone thought that was a weird holiday so my teacher put it in perspective of what they would say about Christmas.....
- Chiled Abuse -True Story by XxXToxIc DiNoXxX
- True Story- Chiled Abuse at lease that is what the cops call it. Im not very good at writing so im practicing, yes thats why it is not perfect. sorry I cant bring to much detail. Ill write the rest later. HAPPY NEW YEARS!
- Lost Love by Seraphina Throne
- hope u like it!! ;3
- What you want it to be...... by Dead goth chick
- this is just some thing i threw to gether you can name it
- Story of when I was 5 yrs old by Xsilver_cloudX
- When I was in the car.