Writing Arena SpotLight
- Blade Meets Skin by zeroling
- A short story I wrote after askin a friend for a random sentence. i hope u like so pls rate & comment thnx ;D
- The Portal: Sub-Book by XxX_TALL-GiRL-RAP_XxX
- this is just kinda like a preveiw to the real thing, I call it "The Portal"
- RP Story (Update) FullBlood by Yikiru
- This is the continued post of what I have written so far with the small story, please comment and rate, many thanks. -Yikiru-
- Wisteria - Six by Vanity Reborn
- Thank you all for giving me such good ratings and reviews! Here's numero seis!
- Discovering Robin by buzzyfoxes98
- Robin is a fan fiction character of mine, she is a hedgehog. She is one of many Sonic Fan Fiction characters I`ve made. She was created from the same DNA as Shadow, so he is technically her brother. Enjoy ;-)
- Ch1: Rei's Ominous Vision by MyShAtTeReDmEmOrY
- I lost the Renegades folder where I had written most of that story. I needed somthing more to write, so, I guess this is it. Rei and Hiro are twins, about 14 years old. Their story begins on a rainy day. Rei is in mage training...
- God of the Moon- Prologue by Amaterasu Cat
- This is the story of an Okami character that I made up. This is the prologue and it's kinda bad and confusing... But it's supposed to be confusing.
- Miax And Jed by Droughtsef
- a story about to wolves
- A Fatal Flaw (Openning) by Sacre Cerf
- Just a story that i wrote for not apparent reason.. I was thinking of the matrix when i decided to make the guy be on the computer. Let me know if i should continue. And if you have any ides for plot let me know im not sure wh...
- Masochism for him by Fantastic Nightmares
- I like this story because it's the first story were I design the characters to define me: Jason. I'm trying to make his personality like mine. Of course, there are some differences. Like I have a lot of sense of humor. But I al...
- God of the Moon- Chapter One by Amaterasu Cat
- Chapter One- The Lost Wolf This is the first chapter to my Okami story. THIS IS NOT ABOUT AMATERASU! It's about a character I made up. I don't care of you hate my writing! Read it anyway! Just kidding...
- Heroes (rough) by Sacre Cerf
- Heres a rough bit of yet another story i have in the works. It most likely has a good amount of misspelling and grammar mistakes. Let me know your feeling, please critique, and give ideas.
- Watching Ch.1 by Brassy Knit
- A girl named Cloudy has the ablity to see the destiny's of people, in other words a Destiny Mage. She is a fourteen year old girl walking the streets hunting down Seekers.
- Experimental Instiute >>Ch.1<< by CrazyRach2013
- ABOUT:: Hallways and cooradores leading to different places in this institute. Surgical wards, rooms stacked with bloddy goure bodies and all you can do is watch. The failures running around and getting out killing more. STORY:...
- Jane's Friend by the-indigo-angel
- A girl is stuck in an ancient place, but makes friends with the well known Sonic characters of Sega. Now I guess pretty much anything goes.
- Wolf story prolog by XxxChinatsu
- I wanted to write about wolves just now. hope you like! Oh yea, using made up names so dont get angry wif meh.
- Realization strikes by lexi2197
- This is the discussion Justin has with his father about marriage. . . It's in third person.
- The Knight, Dragon, an Refugee by Witch of Spades
- This is a story I've been working on for a long time and I've edited it out a bit so please enjoy.
- Ian and Molly- Chpter 9 edited by mentalmaddie
- read 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 first!
- VAMPIRE MADNESS chpt3 by mentalmaddie
- read 1 and 2 first