Every single one of these characters are copyrighted to me~
Now then, -clears throat-, I'll go ahead and show you who's up for the art.
One, you can draw my persona or my fursona, who just wears whatever.
.::Artz 4 Tartz::.

What species she is is yet undetermined, but she is quite the cute, small little critter. If you enjoy drawing animals, trust me, she is a joy to do. Of course, she doesn't have to be an animal, you can try and turn her into a human and see how she looks! ^^
.::Artz 4 Tsuki-chan::.

Probably one of my most prizes babies, I've had this guy for two years now. He's heavily used in a roleplay site I'm part of and I draw him often, but I'd love to see arts that you guys wip up! ^^ He's got a rather jerky, piss off attitude. Plus he's scared of girls.
.::Artz 4 Bane::.

He's just how he looks, an anthro cat. Yeah yeah, I realize that allot of Gaian's don't take well to furries, but none-the-less, he is one of my OC's. A gentle, shy, and quite an uke kind of guy. He's your epitome of a sweetheart. If you don't like furries, try taking a stab of shaving off that fur and turning him into your normal, lovely human-being.
.::Artz 4 Tai-chan::.

A recent member of my family, Glitch is quite the short little devil. He's mischevious, has a playful nature, and bites if you piss him off. Don't bring that he's short to his attention, you'll lose a limb.
.::Artz 4 Glitch::.

And the newest ones, Chiko and Chika. Brother and Sister. They can be drawn Anthro or Feral.
.::Arts 4 Chiko & Chika::.
Happy Drawing!