Okay, I am a HUGE Tales of Symphonia fan! I'm in my 7th round of playing the game, never get tired of it. Thus, I thought to myself, hmm...who would I be in the story. I like video games...protective of my friends...I am VERY clumsy....sis says I'm stubborn and I love seeing new things! And, I guess you could say, get offended easily. So, being the smart person I was, looked up a personality test. I answered all the questions truthfully, glad that what they had was who I was, and clicked send. What appeared before my eyes was this monstrosity:

I AM NOT LLOYD AT ALL!! Lloyd, for one, is a guy! In every personality test I take I'm the main GUY character...why? Why? WHY?! Though I had to say I smiled when it said I'd protect my friends no matter what, wich I do.
I read it and winced when it said lazy and then agreed with my sister when it said stubborn. I AT LEAST THINK BEFORE I ACT! I think...for you people who know me I do right?! When I saw it my head fell onto the keyboard. I couldn't believe it! What do you guys think?

I AM NOT LLOYD AT ALL!! Lloyd, for one, is a guy! In every personality test I take I'm the main GUY character...why? Why? WHY?! Though I had to say I smiled when it said I'd protect my friends no matter what, wich I do.
I read it and winced when it said lazy and then agreed with my sister when it said stubborn. I AT LEAST THINK BEFORE I ACT! I think...for you people who know me I do right?! When I saw it my head fell onto the keyboard. I couldn't believe it! What do you guys think?