✱Remember my name, 'cause I'm gonna say it once....
►Gerard Kayoto ~ Emma Kayoto◄
✱I was birthed on this day....
►June. 7 (Twenty-Three)
In 1942 they were 21◄
✱Love me, or hate me. I'm a . . .
►Male ~ Female◄
✱Yes my eyes are this color.....
✱I love my hair color!....
✱I'm taller then you I know that for a fact...
►6' ~ 5'8◄
✱To cut you down I need my...
✱If you need to know...
►Gerard and Emma grew up on the outskirts of town, they were the oldest of four kids, there family lived out on a farm, but with no animals, they were very poor and had to work very hard just to put a little food on the table, which usually never filled their belly's.
The Father of this family was always spending their money on booze and getting drunk,
which usually meant beatings for the children. He was never home, but when he was it
was a hell on earth.
The Mother was sweet and kind, but she was scared of her husband and would never disobey him, she would often turn the other way when the father was getting violent with the children, because she also feared for her life.
Yumi was the third child born only two years after Gerard and Emma, she tried hard to help
around the house when needed, but mostly found herself in the way, so she was usually
outside hiding from her father, who was drunk all the time.
Nevaeh was the last to be born, because his birth was the cause of their mother's death,
leaving the four children with their father, explaining way the two older children
abandoned them. When Nevaeh was born Yumi was three.
Gerard and Emma were the first born, they were twins with Gerard being born two seconds
before Emma making him the oldest. They worked on other farms to try and bring home scraps but when they hit fifteen they left together.
Gerard found himself taking on a more protective role towards Emma, they had thrown away there youngest siblings for there freedom, and he couldn't bear to lose Emma as well, but it was not to be, they wandered for days with no food, and the only water was muddy puddles.
Emma never complained, they had faced worse things at the farm so they pushed on, trying to find ...something... Emma made a resolution to herself never to cry, not after the many beatings that they endured, and the many more they left for the younger two.
Collapsed in the dirt, the sun heavily shinning down, only sound was a light breath hear and there, a shadow came over the two, and Gerard felt himself being lifted, but to tired to open his eyes, but he could still hear Emma breathing who was already unconscious from the lack of food and water, Gerard felt himself pass out too.
It seems a man who was hunting had found them, and had his servants bring them back to his house, the most he got out of Gerard and Emma was that they had no family, and they had been without food and water for days, an agreement was made and the two of them worked at the house with the other servants, and when they twenty they went out on there own, luckily the man had been saving up there pay for the five years, only giving them little at a time. Gerard and Emma didn't know they were working for pay, they thought they worked for the food, and roof, since the man treated them more like his children then servants. ◄

✱Remember my name, 'cause I'm gonna say it once....
►Yumi Kayoto◄
✱I was birthed on this day....
►April. 5 (Twenty-Two)◄
✱Love me, or hate me. I'm a . . .
✱Yes my eyes are this color.....
✱I love my hair color!....
►Light brown hair, wavy, just passed half way down her back◄
✱I'm taller then you I know that for a fact...
✱To cut you down I need my...
✱If you need to know...
►Yumi grew up on the outskirts of town, she was the third oldest of four kids, her family lived out on a farm, but with no animals, they were very poor and had to work very hard just to put a little food on the table, which usually never filled their belly's.
The Father of this family was always spending their money on booze and getting drunk,
which usually meant beatings for the children. He was never home, but when he was it
was a hell on earth.
The Mother was sweet and kind, but she was scared of her husband and would never disobey him, she would often turn the other way when the father was getting violent with the children, because she also feared for her life.
Gerard and Emma were the first born, they were twins with Gerard being born two seconds
before Emma making him the oldest. They worked on other farms to try and bring home scraps but when they hit fifteen they left together and were never seen again.
Yumi was the next child born only two years after Gerard and Emma, she tried hard to help around the house when needed, but mostly found herself in the way, so she was usually outside hiding from her father, who was drunk all the time.
Nevaeh was the last to be born, because his birth was the cause of their mother's death,
leaving the four children with their father, explaining way the two older children
abandoned them. When Nevaeh was born Yumi was three.
When Yumi was fourteen she was sold on the black market by her father so he could buy more booze Yumi was sold to a pair of harsh workers who wore her down to skin and bone, finally when Yumi grew to the age of sixteen, she ran away to the forest, where she lived for many years.
During Yumi's stay in the forest, she ran into a mysterious stranger who lived in the forest, she knew him only as master, as he taught her all the healing herbs, and the foods that could be eaten. She lived with him, and he taught her in the ways of a sword, so she could protect herself, from bandits in the forest or other evils.
Yumi's master grew quite old and on his deathbed just before Yumi turned nineteen, he gave her his blade as a gift, which was passed down in his family, though he had no kin to give it too, now at the age of twenty-two, Yumi travels from town to town, trying to find her place.◄
►Yumi Kayoto◄
✱I was birthed on this day....
►April. 5 (Twenty-Two)◄
✱Love me, or hate me. I'm a . . .
✱Yes my eyes are this color.....
✱I love my hair color!....
►Light brown hair, wavy, just passed half way down her back◄
✱I'm taller then you I know that for a fact...
✱To cut you down I need my...
✱If you need to know...
►Yumi grew up on the outskirts of town, she was the third oldest of four kids, her family lived out on a farm, but with no animals, they were very poor and had to work very hard just to put a little food on the table, which usually never filled their belly's.
The Father of this family was always spending their money on booze and getting drunk,
which usually meant beatings for the children. He was never home, but when he was it
was a hell on earth.
The Mother was sweet and kind, but she was scared of her husband and would never disobey him, she would often turn the other way when the father was getting violent with the children, because she also feared for her life.
Gerard and Emma were the first born, they were twins with Gerard being born two seconds
before Emma making him the oldest. They worked on other farms to try and bring home scraps but when they hit fifteen they left together and were never seen again.
Yumi was the next child born only two years after Gerard and Emma, she tried hard to help around the house when needed, but mostly found herself in the way, so she was usually outside hiding from her father, who was drunk all the time.
Nevaeh was the last to be born, because his birth was the cause of their mother's death,
leaving the four children with their father, explaining way the two older children
abandoned them. When Nevaeh was born Yumi was three.
When Yumi was fourteen she was sold on the black market by her father so he could buy more booze Yumi was sold to a pair of harsh workers who wore her down to skin and bone, finally when Yumi grew to the age of sixteen, she ran away to the forest, where she lived for many years.
During Yumi's stay in the forest, she ran into a mysterious stranger who lived in the forest, she knew him only as master, as he taught her all the healing herbs, and the foods that could be eaten. She lived with him, and he taught her in the ways of a sword, so she could protect herself, from bandits in the forest or other evils.
Yumi's master grew quite old and on his deathbed just before Yumi turned nineteen, he gave her his blade as a gift, which was passed down in his family, though he had no kin to give it too, now at the age of twenty-two, Yumi travels from town to town, trying to find her place.◄

✱Remember my name, 'cause I'm gonna say it once....
►Nevaeh Kayoto◄
✱I was birthed on this day....
►January. 11 (Nineteen)◄
✱Love me, or hate me. I'm a . . .
✱Yes my eyes are this color.....
✱I love my hair color!....
►Dark brown◄
✱I'm taller then you I know that for a fact...
✱To cut you down I need my...
►Throwing Knives◄
►Athletic, White long sleeve shirt (rolled up. or down) black vest, button up, v-neck.
Scar across his right eye (up and down) and on his back but you wouldn't b able to see it◄
✱If you need to know...
►Nevaeh grew up on the outskirts of town, he were the youngest of four kids, his family lived out on a farm, but with no animals, they were very poor and had to work very hard just to put a little food on the table, which usually never filled their belly's.
The Father of this family was always spending their money on booze and getting drunk,
which usually meant beatings for the children. He was never home, but when he was it
was a hell on earth.
The Mother was sweet and kind, but she was scared of her husband and would never disobey him, she would often turn the other way when the father was getting violent with the children, because she also feared for her life.
Yumi was the third child born only two years after Gerard and Emma, she tried hard to help
around the house when needed, but mostly found herself in the way, so she was usually
outside hiding from her father, who was drunk all the time.
Gerard and Emma were the first born, they were twins with Gerard being born two seconds
before Emma making him the oldest. They worked on other farms to try and bring home scraps but when they hit fifteen they left together.
Nevaeh was the last to be born, because his birth was the cause of their mother's death,
leaving the four children with their father, explaining way the two older children
abandoned them. When Nevaeh was born Yumi was three.
Nevaeh watched as one by one his family disappeared, he was continually reminded by his drunk father that he was the reason, for her death and all the despair in the house, then his two eldest siblings disappeared and soon after he watched his sister get sold and taken away, he knew it was only a matter of time before it was his turn.
Surprisingly Nevaeh stayed with his father until he was sixteen, he took on odd jobs, and found himself taking care of his father and his drunken rages, one night when he had come home from the tavern completely sloshed, he attacked Nevaeh and tried to kill him, luckily after all the years of torture Nevaeh had learned how to defend himself, Nevaeh ended up killing his father, he left the house, and the town behind disappearing into the darkness.
Even though both deaths of his parents hung on his shoulders, Nevaeh had always been a more upbeat person, he took on a job at a Lord and lady's house, and soon found himself head of the staff, he takes his role as Butler seriously, he is usually never without his uniform on since he has grown quite use to it, the Lord and Lady treat him fairly, and he actually enjoys where he is right now.◄