Anyways we show up in Japser at 2:13am ((Yes I took down the times we arrived in different places)) and to my surprise... JASPER WAS GONE! So I didn't get my picture with or of him... ((The picture above was off the internet... GO GOOGLE)) So we buy nasty english toffee's from a gas station as we fill up for gas. We stopped on the side of the road at 3:07am to catch some sleep, me, now wired of caffene, can't sleep, then I hear noises. "Did you hear that?" I would say almost every second xd So we were back on our way at 3:18am with no sleep whats so ever! Then we made it to the Rockie Mountain House at 4:09am ((Drove right threw it)) Of course being in Alberta ((Prince Geroge is in British Columbia)) I took some pictures of the mountains -->

((All picture's without people, where taken when the car was moving by me)) Then I took a picture of the moon and some colorful trees as well! -->

We saw lots of wildlife on the trip, but few pictures, they ran away ((Suppose to be an elk ((Picture taken on the way there)), and a gofer ((Picture taken in yard [If I caught him I would get $20... I didn't catch him]))-->

4:52am We made it to Lake Louise, just drove threw. 5:20am we made it to the Continental Divide ((That's the marker showing us coming out of Alberta and back into British Columbia)) Where I sat in Alberta, my brother sat in B.C and my dad sat on the line dividing both! ((I had to set the camrea up and run, then jump on the high wall before the picture took thats why I only have one sandel and why I'm sitting funny, second picture me standing on the wall [No one looks good that early in the morning after no sleep])) -->

YES! THIS IS A FAMILY VACATION! The upside is, it was free so SHUT UP! Anyways... we continued till 6:45am where we arrived in Radium Hot Springs ^^ We didn't leave till 7:35am ((We also had breakfest there)) -->

At 7:59am we reached Fairmount Hot Spring Resort, somewhere in between we stopped on a cliff -->

and finally reached Cranbrook at 9:03am where we SAW A BEAR! AHHHH! -->

Cranbrook, home of the "Wilds" LOL! I love there mascot! We left cranbrook at 9:25am, Then at 10:05am Thursday morning, we finally reached out destination of Yahk! ((Pronounced yak, like the animal)) Where our Grandma was waiting!
Thursday was pretty slow ((We were dead tired!))
I mowed the lawn, we played boccee ball, we went near the river, Uncle Robbie showed up at 2:00pm, then Aunty Diana, Uncle Kevin, and little cousin Seirra showed up at 4:00pm, we set up sleeping places and that was about it!
Friday we were less tired, we went to Cranbrook in the morning, and stopped at Zellers, some guy came up to the jeep and started going on with this sales pitch, I kept telling me. "We have no money! We have bank cards!" what does he do? "No, no you must have one dollar or two dollar or three! To donate! Good cause!" I didn't have any change on me but I didn't mind, he was a hot asian anyways ^^ He could stand there all day long I wouldn't mind lol! My Uncle Rob finally, gave him some change that was on the dashboard, I bought a t-shirt, but that was it, I don't like there clothing style. We met unknown relitives and cousins, went back to Yahk, played boccee ball, played kubb ((don't ask)) and set off fireworks ^^
Saturday we went to the 100th year anniversary of Yahk where i bought $100 worth of jewelery sweatdrop Yeah I know! Waste of money! At least I got $5 off! That's why it costed $100 instead of $105... DON'T JUDGE ME! IT WAS MY OWN MONEY! Here they are -->

Then we played more kubb, went to the river and swam a bit, more fireworks, t.v., then bed.
Sunday we went to Cranbrook for breakfest, we had A&W, then we visited for a looooooong time, with family that I have met, but I was to young to remember, we left Yahk at 5:36pm, made it to Cranbrook at 6:20pm, 6:32pm left Cranbrook, 7:39pm we reached Fairmount Hot Springs, and at 8:02pm we made it to radium Hot Springs, we sat down for dinner ((NEVER BUY A POUNTINE FROM THEM! -Barf-)) Left at 8:47pm, made it to the continental Divide at 9:58pm, Lake Louise at 10:27pm, and Jasper by 1:20am, now we stopped at the SAME gas station as we did on our way there, so i knew those ET's ((English Toffee's)) were NASTY! So I buy a French Vanilla... IT WAS WORSE! All I can say is Thank God for Tim Hortons! BEST DAMN COFFEE IN THE WORLD! At 3:58am we stopped and slept for 10 mintues just to catch a 'second wind' and left at 4:23am, we made it home at 5:09am today.
No I haven't slept yet, so sorry for speeling/grammer mistakes! What? Go to bed? I can't, if I sleep now, I won't be able to sleep later, and I work tomorrow moring at 6:30am
THUS CONCLUDES! Summer of 2006 razz