Gaian Name ~ Pann Duhh
Character’s Full Name ~ Terri Dew
Age ~ 17
Gender ~ Female
Sexual Orientation ~ Lesbian
Type of Specie(s) ~ Crusnik
Date of Birth ~ May 9th, 1993
Height ~ 5’2”
Weight ~110
Significant Other ~ n/a
Attitude and Personality ~ Terri’s known that she likes girls since she was very little. So she’s very sure of herself when people ask her orientation. She isn’t the kind of girl who always wants things to go her way. She believes whatever happens, happens for a reason. She’s sweet and thinks of others a lot. But also looks out for her happiness in this world.
Natural Powers ~ Can reduce people and objects to dust using sound waves that she can manipulate from her own body.
Likes ~ Girls. Vampire blood. Being naked. Swimming. Making cute things.
Dislikes ~ Being forcefully woken up. Mean people.
Classes ~ Home Ec, Swimming, Music, English, Chemistry, Dancing
Dorm ~ All of them are taken for now.
Brief Bio ~ Since she was little, her and her parents knew that she liked girls. There was no hiding it, and her parents were two women anyway. Once she was old enough to understand it fully, her parents sent her to this school.
Other ~ Has a fast metabolism. So she can eat a lot and not get fat.
Appearance ~ Terri Dew
Pet ~ Black kitten's name is Yin, and the white kitten's name is Yang.