Name: Hana
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Personality: Beauty on the inside and out. Hana is the perfect girl basically. Except she’s an alien who has come to destroy the darkness that lurks on the Earth. The darkness that she see’s in her dreams, a sleeping fortune teller she is. She may look fierce, but she is ever so cute and sweet. But when on the job, she’s serious and determined.
Likes: Her weapons. Cute things. Outfits that show a lot of skin. Young men.
Dislikes: The darkness. Her visions. Old perv’s. Green foods.
Background: She’s come to Earth to seek out the darkness and have fun. Her father didn’t allow it at first only because she could die from this mission, but eventually let her go. More were suppose to come with her, but got lost or killed on the voyage. For now, Hana is alone in this apartment she thinks no one lives at. She hears someone walking up the stairs. Maybe she isn't so alone after all?
Anything goes.
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