This is just a list of things that I've noticed from my time on the internet that just plain bug me. I don't care if it offends anyone. I feel it needs to be said. Oh and flamers? Go and die please. :3
1. When people use the letter "o" instead of the number 0 when typing something. Seriously, the 0 is there for a reason. You're only making yourself look like an idiot.
2. When people rape the caps lock and use it constantly for the entire post.
3. Bad Grammar. Chat speak (aka Noob Speak). Just generally bad grammar.
4. When people put a space in an emote face. Example: o _O. /end example. It looks like the persons eye is detached from its face and is floating beside it.
5. How mentally retarded some people are or can be when they say or do things. The type of things that make you say ".....Wow."
6. Peoples idiocy and continuing to fight/argue when it's clear that they need to sit down and shut up.
7. My brother annoying me. I seriously want to get a knife and stab him when he does it.
8. The fact that I can't stay interested in something for very long before losing interest and doing something else.
9. People who think they are better than other people when they clearly are not.
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Hey everyone. Thanks for stoppin' by. Please enjoy your readin' times. :3
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Previously known as Pistl