Kay, let's get this s**t started off with a warning.
WARNING: Contains excessive vulgar language and severe hating on the Twilight series. Read at your own risk.
Note: Number 2 has already been answered
Okay. Let's start this with the base for my hatred for that unnatural piece of literature. I have never read any of the Twilight series, nor have I seen the movie. The books pretty much make me say "TL;DR". And the movie.. even the previews looked extremely corny and very, very poorly made, thus adding to my reason not to watch nor read said series. Ever
Okay, I guess I've gotten a little off of what I was originally going to say. So I'll just say it now. My hatred for the Twilight series is purely based on the FanBase. And no, I do not mean those few of you that have read the book before it got popular and became nothing more than a pile of s**t on paper. And, I do not mean those of you who read the book because it looks interesting and not because it's what everyone's doing. It is directed at you annoying excuses of people who read things only because it's "popular" and it's "what everyone else is doing". READ THE s**t BECAUSE YOU LIKE IT! NOT BECAUSE EVERYONE ELSE LIKES IT!
Okay, now that we've gotten past that. I suppose it's time to disassemble and break the pathetic pieces that hold the Twilight series together.
Okay. Number 1: What the ******** is up with with the sparkling? Did someone send Stephine back to the 70s when we weren't looking? It seems like she has put together a grand cast that would give Manos: The Hands of Fate a run for it's money. (In sheer terms of s**t) Seriously. What.The. ********! It seems as if she was determined to piss off every single vampire fan/enthusiast by degrading the name of vampires and making them all Sparkle Fairies (Thank you KingJack! for that epic name).
Number 2: Seeing as I've never seen nor read Twilight. Who the ******** is Jacob? I see people with Icons saying "Team Jacob." and "At least my boyfriend has a pulse". I find those rather annoying. Simply because of the fact that they are Twilight related and because they make no sense to me. I am assuming that Jacob is either.. a Werewolf or a Human? Based on the pulse info. As long as Stephine didn't insult the name of Werewolves by making them sparkle some how as well. I am fine with them.
Number 3: Bella (I don't know her real name). Horrible choice for an actor in the movie judging from the flak I've seen fly about her. I heard she was high the ENTIRE time, even on the set. If that doesn't show desperation in some form that the director or whoever the hell hires those people did not care that a druggie was playing a role in a movie. Than I honestly do not know what the ******** to say. Other than "Find a new caster" or whoever the hell hires them.
Number 4: Robert P. Rumor has it that he hates the Twilight series. He also thinks Stephine is ******** nuts. If this is true. He has regained the light of awesome and redeemed himself for appearing in the movie. I can only pray that it is true. He was a pretty good actor in HP:GoF. Cedric FTW! <3
That pretty much covers all the bases I can think of at the moment.
And for the lazy readers. The TL;DR version: Twilight is an insult to humanity. Kill it with fire and holy water. Lots and lots of holy water.
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Sparkling: Who the hell knows? Maybe she was high herself at the time?
Jacob: A sort of childhood friend of Bella's. He's a member of the local indian tribe. They are enemies of Sparklefairy's family. They have the ability to turn into werewolves (usually only the males) when vampires invade their general territory. He becomes a love interest in the 2nd book when Sparklfairy ******** her over.
Bella: Her real name is Isabella. Yeah. Stuipd, I know.