Yesterday, I saw The Last Mimzy. I wanted to see Meet the Robinsons, but that was good too. Then I went to Barnes and Nobles. I got Alice 19th. Since I can't see the anime, I might as well read it. I also got Mariel of Redwall, another one from Brian Jacques. Then, I went to K-Mart, Burger King, and Pathmark. So, I guess it was an okay-ish day.
Today, I finally got my math project printed at the library. And I went to McDonalds. I was sitting at the bank for like an hour cuz my mom wanted to make a bank account in my name, but then she changed her mind, incase I didn't get a college loan for that, so basically, I was there for nothing. So, that was pretty boring. Then, I just did a bit more on my short story, and my math cover. So, that's all. What a boring-ful day...

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