Hey, Mr. Green came on again:
MGreen26: Gettin ready to go out for the holidays
what holidays?
MGreen26: There are a few happening right now
MGreen26: my family celebrates both Easter and Passover
IreneKhan7: why do u celebrate easter?
MGreen26: my wife is catholic
IreneKhan7: but what is easter really for
MGreen26: EGGS!!!
IreneKhan7: lol, just eggs
IreneKhan7: ?
MGreen26: excuse me....DECORATED EGGS!!!!
MGreen26: bunnies
MGreen26: chicks
MGreen26: peeps
IreneKhan7: heeeey, i dont get to decorate eggs:-
MGreen26: why not
IreneKhan7: cuz the one time i was gonna do that in the 1st grade, i wasnt there
MGreen26: let it go...
IreneKhan7: and then in the 3rd grade, my class was also gonna do that, but the class talked too much, so the teacher didnt let us
MGreen26: mean teacher. who is your english teacher?
IreneKhan7: now? ms mathis
MGreen26: any good
IreneKhan7: she's one of my nicer teachers compared to ms croft
MGreen26: ss?
IreneKhan7: also ms mathis
MGreen26: sci?
IreneKhan7: she's nice...except when she gets her "essay ideas"...
IreneKhan7: for science i have mr bednar
MGreen26: hes weird
IreneKhan7: he tries to act cool, it's pretty corny, but he's funny
MGreen26: who was the best math teacher of all time?
IreneKhan7: that's a tough one....
MGreen26: its easy
IreneKhan7: i'll really hav to think about it
MGreen26: super easy
MGreen26: it aint white
IreneKhan7: the best math teacher of all time... i got it!
IreneKhan7: lol
IreneKhan7: i haven't met the best math teacher of all time
MGreen26: how soon they forget...sob
IreneKhan7: okay, yeah, u r my best math teacher ^_^
MGreen26: YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
MGreen26: Take that croft!!
IreneKhan7: well, u gave us freetime a lot, and let us play game 24 all the time, so u'd have to be my fav math teacher smile
MGreen26: yes!!!!!!!!
MGreen26: later. have a good weekend...whats left of it
IreneKhan7: okay bye
Whee, I might go to see Meet the Robinsons today. If not, I'm probably going tomorrow. ^_^ Today, I have almost nothing to do...
Okay, apparently, I'm going to see The Last Mimzy instead. Just as good, I guess.
Man, I still have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING for my short story...
Oh well....

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