1. You watch one episdoe so many times that you know every line by heart.
2. You get up at 5am just to watch and hour of one anime.
3. You know every theme song before they are shown on television in america.
4. You're more attracted to anime/manga guys than you are real ones.
5. You own more manga than american made books
6. At least one wall in your room is covered with printouts/posters/wall scrolls/ fan drawings of your favourite characters
7. You can't sleep without reading at least one manga
8. 'manga, my anit drug | because when your addicted to it, who has money for drugs?' applies to you.
9. You've almost completely stopped watching american-made shows.
10. You accidently add japanese words such as "nani", "baka", or "kawaii" into your normal speech.
11. It would take you over a week to read every manga you own (nonstop) if you could read one in an hour.
12. You spend the time you're not reading reading manga or watching anime on websites writing fanfictions about manga/anime
13. you're making your own manga
14. You're failing at least one class because you have made that your manga/anime drawing class
15. If you take all your manga to school with you and you und up carrying 6 and your book bag gains 10 pounds.
16. You glomp cosplay characters at conventions
17. You glomp the voice actors at conventions
18. You like to cosplay
19. You're willing to spend 100s of dollars on cosplay outfits
20. You have an item from all of your favourite anime/manga (i.e. naruto headband, fullmetal alchemist pocket watch, inuyasha sacred beads, mar earing...)
21. You have a countdown of the days until christmas right next to your count down until the next new manga comes out.
22. You'd be willing to fight someone for the last copy of a new manga
23. You get really really angry when a character's name is spelled wrong in the anime (i.e. Koga (anime) is supposed to be Kouga, Kikyo (anime) is supposed to be Kikyou...)
24. You start crying when a character dies
25. You start crying when you forget to video tape your anime
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Welcome to my journal! I have alot of thoughts about things. If I say something in here you don't like, you can argue it, but don't be rude or call names. If you do argue, please be civil. Just state your opinion/side and I'll look it over. I am very random and fun to be with. If I mention anime couples you think are "noob couples", leave it. I don't think there are such things. What these couples are, are called "Opinions"! lol.

WARNING:: I am not accountable for ANY IQ points lost in ANY chats that I am involved with.I am NOT on drugs...
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Intoxicating Remembrances
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WARNING:: I am not accountable for ANY IQ points lost in ANY chats that I am involved with.I am NOT on drugs...
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