--Okie, this is from my fanfic account on fanfiction.net. My username is FullMetal Alchemistress. I wish I could change that without having to delete the 213 people on my fav/alert list and the people who have me on thier alert lists T.T
--This is Chapters ONE AND TWO COMBINED. Keep that in mind. I try to make each chapter around 2,000 words. COMMENT TO LEAVE A REVIEW ^^
-- “Talking” ‘thinking’ ‘TELEPATHIC CONVERSATION’
Chapter 1: Kuwabara vs Kohaku
Mikata and her team sat in their hotel room, talking strategy. The next day they were going to have to fight team Urameshi. That was not what Mikata wanted to do. She had hoped that they would have been eliminated in an earlier round.
“So what are we going to do? They will totally kick our asses!” Kurayami said, slamming her cup on the table.
“We need to think about today’s fight, instead of one we may not even make to. We only have to fight Urameshi’s team IF we win today,” Kyouki pointed out.
“Yeah, but they aren’t that hard. And how in the world do you know how well Urameshi’s team fights? We haven’t seen them fight!” Mikata said. “They’ve only fought once! Were you there?”
“Yes! I was!” Kurayami said. “They were amazing. Except that one guy with the swords. Kohaku can fight him, he was the weakest on their team. I think she would actually be a challenge for him”
“Hey! I’m not THAT weak!” Kohaku plopped down on the couch, crossing her arms.
“You are not weak at all, it’s just, you are the weakest on our team,” Shiteki said, sitting on the edge of the table, looking out the window.
“We should go get ready for our fight. We’ll be up soon,” Mikata suggested, walking to the door. The other four followed without any objections.
Mikata and her team entered the stadium behind the crowed. They stood and watched as two demons fought. The match was uninteresting; it took only five minutes.
Yusuke and Kuwabara sat on the couch next to Botan, Keiko and Yukina. They were playing cards
“Who are we fighting next?” Kuwabara asked Yusuke.
“Team Mikata. Wonder how good they are.”
“Doesn’t matter. We’re going to win!” Kuwabara said, throwing his fist in the air.
“Nice hand,” Yusuke smirked, looking at the cards he was holding in the hand that was still in the air. Kuwabara pulled his hand down quickly, everyone snickering.
“Doesn’t matter if I see your hand or not, I’ll still win,” Yusuke said, laying his card carefully down on the table. Everyone else did the same. Yusuke won again, for the tenth time.
“You’re cheating,” Keiko accused.
“No I’m not! What makes you think that?!” Yusuke yelled defensively. Everyone laughed as the two argued.
“Hey, where’s Kurama and Hiei? I haven’t seen ‘em since our last fight” Kuwabara said, looking around the room.
“Probably watching the next fight,” Botan said, shuffling the cards.
“I haven’t seen that masked fighter either.”
“What, you worried they won't show up for tomorrows fight?” Yusuke asked Kuwabara, chuckling.
“Don’t cheat this time,” Keiko mumbled. Yusuke just scowled.
Mikata rushed down the corridors, frantically trying to get to the stadium’s arena. Finally, she made it. She ran out to meet her group, who was on their way to discuss the fighting terms with the Urameshi team. Mikata pushed past Kyouki and Kurayami and stood in front of Yusuke, smirking.
“Both teams need to agree on the terms,” The announcer said.
“Five fights, who ever has the most wins AFTER the five fights wins,” Mikata said as clear as she could.
“I can’t fight girls!” Kuwabara said. “It’s against my code!”
“Drop your code, girls or not, we’ll kick your a**,” Kyouki said coldly with a smirk, crossing her arms. Mikata turned to look at her, and noticed Kurayami staring out into the crowd. She followed her gaze and saw who it was she was looking at. A young girl with brown hair; she was human too.
“Cute,” Kurayami whispered inhumanly low. Mikata turned and punched her as hard as she could in the stomach. When Mikata did, Kurayami went flying Mikata knew what she was planning.
“No! Drop it!” She yelled over to Kurayami, who was picking herself up off the ground, shaking her head; an attempt to leave the human girl alone.
“We agree to your terms,” Yusuke said, smiling. Mikata smiled and nodded, literally dragging Kurayami by the hood of her black jacket. She had put on a tight, black leotard with really baggy black pants that were pulled to her knees by thin elastic sewn into the fabric. There was a long break of skin before in came to her small, black ballet flats (srry! Couldn’t figure out what they were called so, w/e) She a black, sleeveless jacket with a hood.
Mikata threw Kurayami onto the ground outside the ring.
“Guess I’m going first,” Kohaku said, taking on giant jump, landing in the center of the ring. She pointed directly at Kuwabara. “You, are you too WEAK to fight a girl?” Kohaku smirked. Kuwabara scowled.
“No! It’s just against my code!” He yelled angrily.
“Heh, code? That’s just an EXCUSE!” She provoked him. “You couldn’t fight me ‘cause you know I’d KILL you!” She turned around and crossed her arms over her fishnet top. She had on tight, light pink capris that cam down just past her knees and black fish net tight over top of her pants that went down and continued into her black ballet flats. She had on a tight, white tank top with a tight fishnet top that came to her wrists and a white, sleeveless jacket that lay neatly on her shoulders and came down to the bottom of her ribs.
Kuwabara gave up and jumped onto the ring, ready to fight, yet still hesitant. “I’m not scared!” he yelled. This made Kohaku laugh.
“She never said you were,” Hiei mumbled.
“Okay! Kohaku versus Kuwabara!”
Kohaku fell into a fighting stance swiftly. “You ready to die?” She was about to go ahead and kill him, but Mikata’s earlier words ran through her head. What ever you do, do NOT kill ANYONE on the Urameshi team, got it? Kohaku rolled her eyes, took a deep breath, and smiled. Kuwabara had drawn his spirit sword and was about to attack.
He came charging at her and she drew back her right fist. She placed her left hand on the ground and wound up. Then, restricting her power so she wouldn’t destroy the ring, she punched the ground. A circle of pinkish white light circled around her body on the ground, then a wave underneath the ring pushed up rocks and went outward in all directions until it reached the edge of the ring.
Kuwabara tripped on the wave of rocks. He hit the ground hard and was trying to catch his breath when Kohaku ran over and slammed her elbow into his back. Kuwabara grunted as he hit the ground yet again. She jumped back to give him time to get up.
“Come on! GET UP! Attack me! If you don’t come at me with the intention of killing me, you won't win!” Kohaku informed him. He got up and came at her full force.
At the same time…
“Who was that girl you were staring at?” Mikata asked, sitting down on the ground next to Kurayami. She was sitting cross-legged and playing with the edge of her pants.
“I don’t know. I can’t get past it,” she turned to look at her, tears almost in her eyes. “I have to kill her.”
“I’ll stop you,” Mikata said sternly. “I’ll help. You won't kill anyone, okay?” Kurayami nodded and they stood up and joined the rest of their team. “So, Shiteki, what can you tell us about this guy?” She asked, looking at the redhead.
“His name is Kazuma Kuwabara. His ability is his Spirit Sword. He is the weakest on their team. He has countless weak points, so he won't be hard to beat. His sister is sitting up there,” She pointed toward Keiko, Shizuru, Botan, Yukina, and Pouh (A/N: I decided to leave Atsuko at home like in the anime) “And he’s not too bright either. Not good at fighting. He’s in love with another girl up there too; the demon. Her name is Yukina.”
“Come on! GET UP! Attack me! If you don’t come at me with the intention of killing me, you won't win!” Kohaku informed him. He got up and came at her full force.
Kuwabara pulled back his sword and was about to slice it through her right shoulder, but she disappeared, leaving only a puff of smoke in her place. Kuwabara stumbled to a stop and turned around.
“Damn, she’s fast,” Yusuke mumbled. Kurama and Hiei just stared wide eyed.
“Yeah, and she is the weakest of their team,” Kurama commented.
“Heh, I actually thought this was going to be a challenge, but, I guess I was wrong,” Kohaku said from behind Kuwabara. She pulled back her arm and punched him in the back and he went flying, hitting a wall outside the ring.
“Kuwabara!” Yusuke yelled.
“Get up. I dare you.” Kohaku turned around and headed for her group as the announcer started counting, but a voice stopped her.
“I-I’m not…done…yet!” Kuwabara climbed into the ring and stood up just as she reached eight. He drew his double Spirit Sword.
“That’s the spirit!” Kohaku said, smiling. She started walking, but it soon turned into a sprint. She purposefully fell backwards and slid underneath him, making him fall on his face. He got up quickly and faced her. She jumped up into the air and he started to look up, then she slid underneath him from the back and he fell on his back.
“She’s just toying with him now,” Hiei pointed out.
Kyouki laughed. “She needs to stop playing games and finish him.”
Kohaku heard what they were saying. “Finish him?” a smile started to grow on her face.
“You still can’t kill him!” Mikata warned her angrily. “I’ll kill you if you do!”
Kohaku made a pouty face, then turned around and kicked the charging Kuwabara in the stomach. He hit the wall again, but this time he didn’t get up. After the ten count, Yusuke and Kurama went to go get Kuwabara. Together, they brought the unconscious Kuwabara and laid him down next to the ring.
“Why did that one say not to kill him?” Yusuke asked Kurama.
“I think they just want to win, but they don’t want anyone to die in the process.” They looked up to see Kyouki pointing at Kurama.
“Your turn,” She said, smiling. “Hope you’re a lot more fun to play with than Kuwabara was for Kohaku.” Kurama hopped up into the ring and stood in front of Kyouki; who didn’t have a smile on her face anymore. It was almost sad.
“Next fight! Kyouki versus Kurama!”
That's where chapter one ends
Chapter 2: Kurama vs Kyouki
Shizuru took a drag on her cigarette. “Something’s not right,” This earned Botan and Keiko’s attention.
“What do you mean, Shizuru?” Keiko asked.
“Did you see the way one of those girls was staring at us before the fighting began?” She pointed out. Keiko turned back to the fight. Kurama hopped up onto the ring and stood a few feet from one of the girls.
“I didn’t notice.”
“She’s way too familiar,” Botan said and Shizuru looked at her.
“Is she like, a criminal?”
“I have no idea. I remember her from somewhere, but I can’t quite place my finger on it.”
Koenma sat thinking hard.
“What’s the matter?” The ogre asked, noticing he was acting strange.
“Something about that one girl doesn’t sit well. Where have I seen her before?”
“Could it be the Christmas Party last year?” He offered.
“No! Shut it! I’m trying to think!”
“Begin!” The announcer took a step back and signified that the fight was allowed to start. Kyouki just stood there, trying to hold her tears back. Like Mikata, she didn’t want anyone to die. She had already seen that enough.
‘What’s wrong? I thought she would have attacked me by now,’ Kurama thought, studying her face.
“What’s going on? Looks like they’re having a staring contest,” Yusuke commented. He looked at the rest of their team. Kohaku had her arms crossed. She looked like she was pouting on the ground. Kurayami was standing next to Mikata and she looked like she was in pain. Shiteki was emotionless. Mikata was standing next to the ring, her face extremely red. Her eye’s met his and he looked back at Kurama quickly.
“What is he doing? Now’s the time to strike,” Hiei said to himself.
“Hiei’s right,” Kurama mumbled. “Is there something you’d like to say before we begin?” Kyouki seemed to snap out of what ever she was in. She stared straight ahead and fell into a fighting stance similar to Kohaku’s.
‘I HAVE TO TELL YOU SOMETHING.’ Kyouki nearly screamed in her head. She ran up and started throwing punches as fast as she could, but Kurama was easily dodging them.
“Holy s**t! She’s fast! I only caught 13 of her punches then I lost track,” Yusuke said, watching her back off.
‘WHAT’S THE PROBLEM?’ Kurama asked, ready to pull out his rose whip if she attacked again..
“What?!” Kurama said, surprised. He quickly regained calmness.
‘PLEASE. YOU HAVE TO HELP US STOP HER. SHE HAS LITTLE CONTROL OF IT.’ Kurama nodded, not sure if he should believe her. Kyouki saw the hesitation in his face and she charged him, knocking him into the wall outside the ring.
“You have to believe us. That’s why Mikata punched her before the fighting started. She needed to break her focus,” Kyouki said, walking over to Kurama who had gotten up and pulled out his rose whip.
“Ever get the feeling you missed something?” Yusuke asked Hiei.
“They’re having a telepathic conversation. Something has Kurama and Kyouki’s entire team shaken up,” Hiei pointed out.
Kurama nodded. “Rose whip!” His whip came down onto Kyouki’s back and she crashed to the ground.
“Kyouki!” Mikata called out of sheer worry. She turned to Shiteki. “What about him? Can you get much info about him?”
“Name is Kurama. Real identity is some demon. I can’t tell who though. His knowledge of plants is remarkable. His most famous attack is, of course, his ‘Rose Whip’. He can turn a blade of grass into a deadly weapon. He’s a retired criminal. He loves his mother a lot. His human name is Shuichi Minamino.”
Kyouki stood up and smiled. “Time to get this party started!” She was wearing the same exact thing as Kohaku, except in blue and black instead of pink and white, and she had a black glove covering her left hand. She took off her black jacket and threw it at Mikata who caught it in the air.
“Finally ready to be serious?” Shiteki mumbled. Kyouki scowled and ice appeared on Shiteki’s mouth. “Mmmmm! Mm!” She covered her mouth with her hand and the ice quickly melted.
“Shut it, Shiteki!” She turned back to Kurama. “Shall we?” She raised her hand up slowly. Seven little balls of ice appeared around her hand. She flicked her left hand towards the ground, and a wave of heat exited, blowing loose rocks away from her. She thrust her right hand at Kurama, throwing the ice crystals at him.
“What the hell is that?!” Yusuke said, staring wide eyed as she flicked her left hand, emitting another wave of heat at the ground.
“Ice Bombs. Her body extracts the heat from the air, creating ice crystals. But all that heat has to go somewhere. So she throws it from her hand. “ Hiei responded. Kuwabara, awake now, stared on; mouth open.
Kurama managed to dodge three, but at the speed they were going, two grazed his right arm while he was dodging, another sliced his cheek, and one last one hit his left hand.
The one that hit his hand had stuck there. “Yay! One hit! Watch what my little presents can do!” She said, jumping up and down. She flicked her left wrist, but this time at Kurama.
“Ah,” He grunted, nearly being hit by the flames.
“It’s no use. If I don’t use the fire, I can use my hand!” She said cheerfully. Kurama tried to pull the crystal out, but it wouldn’t budge.
“What are these things?” He asked, standing up and looking at her.
“Ice Bombs,” She replied proudly.
“Let me guess, they explode?” Kyouki didn’t answer. She snapped her fingers and the crystal in Kurama’s hand exploded. He screamed in pain and blood trickled down from his hand and dripped onto the ground.
“Kurama!” Yusuke screamed out, wishing he could help.
She stood there, smiling. She got a shocked look on her face and turned to someone in the crowd, scowling. “Rose Whip!” Kurama pulled the handle of the whip to the right, and the thorned rope hit Kyouki in the side, throwing her to the ground a few feet away.
“Dammit,” She grumbled, trying to stand.
“Kyouki may be powerful, but she can’t take many hits,” Mikata said, shaking her head.
“You’ll die!” Kyouki nearly screamed.
“Kyouki!” Mikata hissed through her teeth. Kyouki scowled at her teammate and turned back to Kurama.
“Fine then, you’ll experience excruciating pain,” Once again, she lifted her arm in the air, flicking her left hand and releasing a wave of hot air. Seven ice balls formed in the air and she didn’t hesitate to hurl them at him.
‘Damn, they’re getting harder and harder and harder to dodge,’ Kurama thought as three crystal hit him in the legs and one in the chest.
“How can he get the crystal from blowing up? He can’t pull them out!” Kuwabara stated the obvious.
Kyouki continued to scowl and snapped her fingers, the crystals exploded, leaving Kurama lying on the ground.
‘I may… have a shot…if I can get…close enough…’ Kurama picked himself off the ground and tried to stand. He charged right up to her. She had a few ice crystals ready and she threw them at him. He actually managed to dodge all of them. ‘Her aim is off…’ He started throwing punches.
“Pretty fast. Usually people can’t even stand after the amount of explosions you’ve taken. Must be extremely hard,” Kyouki commented. She then punched him in the chin, pushing him off her.
‘Alright, now I just need to dodge anything she throws at me for the next few seconds,’ Kurama backed up about five feet. “Why don’t you guys want to kill us?” Kurama asked out loud.
“Mikata doesn’t want anyone to die. We just want to win,” Kyouki said, trying to figure out what Kurama was really up to.
“You had no problem killing off the demons yesterday,” Kurama pointed out.
“Killing? More like slaughtered,” Hiei commented. Yusuke looked at him funny, and then turned to Kuwabara.
“See, they were watching the fight!” Hiei glanced at Yusuke then returned to the battle.
Kyouki tried to raise her hand, but couldn’t. “Why can’t I…ugh…move?!” Kyouki’s eyes widened as her mind retraced the previous fight. “A diversion! And this,” She said, referring to the conversation. “You were buying time. You planted a seed in one of your punches!” She said, figuring out what he did.
“Precisely. I just needed to punch you enough that I drew blood. Then stick the seed in your blood stream.” He chuckled. “You won't be able to move for half an hour. Enough time for me to strike and get it over with.”
“I give up! I withdraw!” Kyouki told the announcer.
“What?!” Everyone’s eyes widened in disbelief.
“I’ve clearly lost. No need for extra pain.”
“And the winner of this match…Kurama!” Mikata, Shiteki, and Kohaku stepped into the ring and carried Kyouki out of the ring. Mikata stayed. Kurama limped off the ring.
“You going to be okay?” Yusuke asked as Kurama leaned his back against the ring.
“I will be.”
“Awww…So caring. Do you fight like a pansy?” Mikata teased. Yusuke looked up and smirked.
“Do you?” She had on, again, the same thing as Kyouki, except her colors were purple and black, and she didn’t have a glove on her left hand.
“You’ll have to come up here and find out!” She smiled.
“It’s like she’s flirting with him,” Shizuru commented. Keiko glared at her and Shizuru shut her mouth.
Yusuke hopped up into the ring.
“Next fight, Yusuke versus Mikata! You may begin!” They both just stood there.
“Ladies first,” Yusuke offered. Mikata cracked her neck when she cocked it
“Bad move,” She charged up to him and started throwing punches as fast as she could. Yusuke was able to dodge of block every one of them.
“You fight like a girl!” Yusuke commented.
“You know, if you tried a little harder, you could too!” with that, Mikata punched him in the cheek and he went flying.
“Get up. It wasn’t that hard!” She stood over top of him. He jumped up and punched her in the stomach.
“I don’t fight like a girl!” She sat on the ground and looked up at him.
“You have to!” Shiteki screamed from the sidelines.
“You have to warn him!” Kohaku joined in. Kyouki was still laying in the grass and Kurayami was sitting next to her.
“What?” Yusuke was confused.
Kurayami smirked and jumped up into the stands, right in front of Keiko. “YOU DIE!” She said in a voice that wasn’t hers. Her eyes had no soul in them and inside, she was screaming at herself to stop as she reached out for Keiko’s neck. Botan pulled the frozen Keiko away and Hiei jumped in front of her.
Now you'll either have to wait until I have two to three more chapters up on fanfiction.net, or you can go over there and read them as soon as I have them up ^^
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WARNING:: I am not accountable for ANY IQ points lost in ANY chats that I am involved with.I am NOT on drugs...
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