The Keepers' words took Grim by suprise, for he lowered his arm and stared back at them unsure of what to say. "...What..?!"
Chrono closed his eyes still smiling with delight, and brought his hands together pressing them against his pale face softly. " are the protector of this world yes? Surely, you know what happens to a soul when they have a build up of certain emotions don't you?" Opening his eyes, Chrono smiled as his words struck the Reaper to the core.
"I take that means you haven't sensed it yet Grim. " Tak added in shaking his head dissaprovingly. " Warnings come only few times Grim. You are lucky we came by...for you see, it wont happen right away..but soon a soul will let their pent up emotions rise to the breaking point. Whether its of sadness, frustration, regret, anger, or hate..we cannot say. Even you should be able to piece the rest together." Keeping his eyes upon Grim, Tak bowed his head low while placing his hands together in a respectful gesture. " By the way Grim..about your earlier statement.."
Grimacing in silence, Grim tightened him grip upon the scroll knowing full well of what awaited him in these next few words. He was going to speak of the scroll and why Grim refusing it was not an option. But, even though he knew that, Tak's words still came as a suprise to the Grim Reaper, chilling his bones.
"The High council of the Sky gurdians sent us Grim. They found a disturbance in this world and when we were called they told us we could enforce any law that we saw fit to benefit this world. Those detectives may be here to investigate the disturbance Grim, but Chrono and I are of more importance to your world and its safety. Don't forget that...or we shall be forced to inform the son of the Sky leader, why you defied his orders. "
Surveying the darkness one would think, would be lonely...but at night in the Land of Tormented Souls, looking up at the sky and taking in its darkness is as comforting as it gets. Take for instance the soft words filling the air as a man and his lover rest together looking up at the stars overhead. The man smiles while wraping his arms around the young woman and singing to her sweetly, as she holds onto him hiding her blushing face, her heart filling with happiness.
Far away from these happy lovers stands a soul all alone. All that can comfort him are the voices whispering in his memory. " You stupid moneky!! Don't eat my shoe!!!" " BLAH! You can keep your shoe, your ugly kappaness has made it rotten!" " SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU!" " AHHH!!! SANZO YOU NEARLY HIT MY EYE!!"
"Those voice are of friends I know so well...if only I could put faces to them. Heh, it would make the scene seem so much funnier. " Said the lonely soul as he smiled softly, walking on into the night's darkness.
The night holds many things and even our detectives from earth are resting peacefully, as a skeleton boy falls beside them and snores loudly, letting sleep envelope him, leaving his mind to dream.
However, one detective from earth remains seprate from the rest of his team. Sitting in a high branch of a nearby tree, he wanders to and from sleep as his heart is bringing him images he doesn't even understand himself yet.
While the souls of this tormented world rest, the stars that hang above cry simple tears for the first to fall from Law 13. When morning comes all will notice there is an empty space in the Shadow Clan.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
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