Gazing upon the black night sky that hung so vigilantly above the land of tormented souls, Grim walked slowly with his head hanging low. Clutched tightly within his skeleton hand was the cursed scroll reading: Law 13.
They say, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer..well, Grim had kept true to that simple saying, for he had not let go of that dreaded new law since it touched his bones on that fateful day, when his hatred for those "Keepers of life and death" had reached its peak.
"Why..?" Grim asked himself quietly as his gaze fell from the sky to earth he stood upon. "Why does dis always happen to me?? I mean...first I have to deal with those AWFUL children..and now THIS!?" Rage boiled within his empty body of bones, and for the first time in a long while, the Grim Reaper felt adraneline swim thought him, as rash thoughts of anger flooded his mind. " If DE THINK I AM GONNA SIT FOR DIS, THEY ARE CRAZY! I wont stand for dis! I WONT! If being with those BRATS for as long as I was taught me anythin', its that I can't give in to s**t...I can overcome ANY obstacle..for I am THE GRIM REAPER!"
The words the Reaper spoke poured from out his mouth in a torrent of emotion, filling the quiet air around him with determination and spirit. Nothing could bring Grim down now, he was the almighty bringer of death, not someone's lackie! Well, at least he wasn't anymore.
But alas, sad to say, things like hope never last very long in the Land of Tormented Souls...such is their luck.
"Heh, Grim..Grim ..Grim. How touching. Did you come up with that on your own? Or did you get it from some sappy television program?" A voice laughed from within the darkness.
Grim stopped and turned his head about slowly, his empty sockets widening at what he beheld.
"Tak.. Chrono...tis a..pleasure to see you both ..." Fear evaporated from the reaper as the two figures stepped out of the dark and revealed their pale faces to the night."Tis as much a pleasure as a Hernia!" Grim added to himself in silence.
"Dear Grim, was what we heard true? You 'wont stand for this'? " Sneering with delight, both Keepers of Darkness spoke in unison, their empty white eyes taking in the full image of Grim standing before them so solemly.
"Dats right, you chalk heads! I wont stand for dis anymore! "Pausing for a moment, Grim extended his arm and held the scroll out for them to see clutched so tightly within his grip. "If you think I am gonna go through with dis INSANE plan, then you two are far crazier than your fashion sense lets on!" Smirking to himself, Grim laughed within his head feeling in his nonexistent heart that he had prevailed.
At first the Keepers did not speak. Their eyes were locked onto the scroll, the smiles remained on both of their pale faces.
Speaking softly, Tak looked upon Grim, his eyes shining. " Grim, you must follow orders..but such things are the least of your problems...I feel a darkness poor little soul is soon to have a big problem on their hands."
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Sakura lady of death
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