To all the people who've sent me fanart or anything else similar in that manner, I'm gonna present it in here. I might have forgot you're name and I'm sorry if I did. sweatdrop

Thanks `[Launch Box]`

Thanks Usagi.

Thanks Sexy Cookie.

Thanks lizzzzzzzy.

Thanks again lizzzzzzzy for another birthday piece of art. I love it.

Thanks Bloo.

Thanks [Whats_Her_Name].

Thanks Sexasaurus Rex.

Thanks [Haunted Toaster].

Thanks .Exilim.

Thanks Chibi Die.

I'm sorry but I have forgotten who made this for me. Thanks anyways.

Again, I have forgotten who made this. Thanks anyways.

Before I was Lanzer the 2nd., I was also wingsoftheflight. Thanks, Pirates_Sword.

I have forgotten who made this. Thanks anyways.
I'll add more when I get 'em. :]