Sing a song, any song. No matter how you sing it, it always has a sad ending.
Some of you may or may not have noticed these past days but I've been away. I have been answering mail though, but soon that will come to a full stop too.
And you may ask why? Well, since some more complications have come up in the daily life of Lanzer II, it seems Gaia will no longer be one of the things I get to go on.
But, I will not bore you with that since this might be my final message to you all, I will thank all of my friends with the best time a guy could have on one of the best Community sites that I have ventured into. I'm not really mushy about things in particular but I will say that life on Gaia was fun.
I, myself, might not have a life but if I did, it would be here with you all. Thanks. Thanks a lot.
I haven't really planned anything for this entry, since it was all short notice, but I do
have one thing.

Rock on Gaia. Rock on.
-Forever Yours,
Lanzer the 2nd. <3
Community Member
Aww, Lanzer. I miss you. sad