" Hey, Nibbs!" A voice called out in the cold air. Darkness had swept the skies, with the storm gone the world above the ground seemed tranquil, almost peaceful.
"Hm?" Turning her head around, the twig-like fairy, spun around happily as she caught the sight of her dear friend. "CROW! CROW! HI! I am so glad to see you!" Smiling with joy, Nibbs spread out her transparent wings and flew over to her comrade laughing.
Ahead of the young fairy stood a very tall ominous figure. Would you think her crazy to be so happy to be in such a gloomy figure's presence? Like his name suggests, he has the appearance of a scare"crow", he had a head of cloth and a stitched up mouth, with nothing on his back but a worn out dark, blood red long sleeved shirt, and shredded tan pants covering his straw limbs.
The shadows that were his eyes greeted his friend with a warm glow that would be unnoticable to anyone else but his own clan memebers.
For as dark and gloomy as he may first seem, he is by far the kindest, most peaceful member of the Pumpkin Clan.
"OH! Crow I am so happy to see you! You missed a whole bunch! First Gargoyle nearly got himself fried by a Death beam-"
"HA! I know, I heard about it from Baba. She told me that the detectives, along with our newest member and Jack helped him through it." Nodding his head, Crow smiled warmly, turned his head around and looked off into the distance.
" I'm glad the storm is over..I was begining to think we were in for a bad one, but, its not as bad as the one we had a few years ago." Looking down at his feet, Crow sighed inwardly, his mind was sent into a fury of images, all of which took a few stabs at his heart.
"Ohh...Crow, I forgot that the storms are ...are, so hard for you to ...." Fummbling for the right words, Nibbs glanced into her friend's shadowy eyes and in them saw the anguish that whirled around within him like a fierce wind storm of emotions.
"Its alright Nibbs. Really, I'm ok..I've dealt with my inner problems..well..hehe, mostly so anyways. " Chuckling lightly under his breath, the scarecrow's face suddenly went dark as a shadow seemed to claw along his face, shrouding him in an fog fear. Noticing the look upon her friend's face, Nibbs' already pale face went even whiter, as her looked every which way, her thoughts turned to the worst as she touched Crow on the shoulder and shook in silence.
" ....C-Crow..do you think its the Council?? T-They were a-after me not too long ago..they wanted to send me away." Grasping onto his shirt tightly, her eyes darted to the right as a hollow sound rippled through the night air.
"Possibly so...but we wont know unless we face it first. " Calmly taking a breath, Crow walked as softly as he could to the place where the noise had first sounded. Trying not to show an ounce of fear he swallowed his doubts and spoke polietly to the empty dark space in fron of him.
"Please, such a noise could not have come from nothing, I know there is something or someone there..if you would, I ask of you to come forth, my friend and I mean you no harm."
"How nice. Its a pleasure to know that there are some decent souls still here in this world. " From out the darkness stepped a child, a young boy, his eyes hidden beneath a worn piece of white cloth. Standing no more than four feet tall, his slim figure rested within a well dressed uniform of black and white, a long ratty cloak was tied around his neck. He almost seemed to look as though he had come from out the grave just that moment ago, his skin was as white as the cloth covering his eyes.
" May I ask who you are?" Looking back slightly at Nibbs, Crow glanced back at the child and bowed his head respectfully.
" Hah. You think me to be another one of your tormented souls don't you? Well, I am pleased to say that I am much greater than that...I am no soul. I am like the Council you speak of..except I like to think I am not as annoying as they are...those robe wearing fools. " Taking out a piece of paper from his pant's pocket, the boy held out a small envelope sealed with a silver button.
"This is for Mister Grim. Just tell him it was sent from the Silver Society. The contents of the note should be about the Detectives...I don't know for sure.." Turning his head to face the ground he mummbled to his feet. " Stupid people in the office stopped me from reading it..the no good criket eatters."
Taking the envelope in his straw hand, Crow studied the item and found a name scribbled on the front. " Wait...this says ...'Yusuke'...not Grim..."Unsure of what to do, he glanced over at the strange boy and waited for him to respond.
"Hmmm..that so.." The child started, even with his eyes covered by the cloth one could see the frustration building within them. " Damn I don't know..thats what they told ME. Guess they wanted to mess with my head...damn them, I hope they rot..ahhh just it to the guy Yusuke then. I DO know who its from. Its from ..well..I can't tell you his name, but I can tell you that he is very important and is high up there in the status thing. The Robe duo know him, he sent them down here to do something." Shrugging his shoulders, the boy turned around and headed back into the dark empty space, but before he left, he turned his head around and sighed.
"I predict bad things for this place. I sense I darkness looming beneath the soil of this land...an empty darkness....a hungry force with a ravenous appitite. Keep on your toes straw boy ..you too fairy girl. "
"Wait!" Hoping to catch him before he turned around to leave, Crow reached out and only felt the air between his fingers. In a mere second, the boy had vanished..it was as if he hadn't even been there.
"That was strange..." Holding the letter securly to his chest, Crow walked back over to Nibbs and smiled. " Well, it looks like we're messengers now, right?"
"Yes..heh, I guess so.." Smiling back, Nibbs looked ahead and saw a figure looming in the distance. " Hmmm..who- OH! BABA!"
" Hm, Baba's here? I thought she was resting for a few days..."
"I WAS YOU PIECE OF FIREWOOD YOU!" Holding a broom over her shoulder, a fair sized older woman came into view, her short white hair blew behind her in the wind. Wearing a long shiney black dress, her eyes were fixed intently upon them...she wasn't pleased in the slightest.
And that wasn't a good sign.
" Baba what -" Nibbs began, however she stopped when she saw a man in a strange hat and clothes following her..he had a fish in his hand.
"THATS WHAT! THiS THING KEEPS FOLLOWING ME!" Growling angrily, Baba took her broom and waved it above her head.
"Well..NI...not my fault you are so angry..ni..." Nodding his head, the man shook his fish as he spoke.
"HA! Well..here is what I have to say to THAT......IT IT IT IT IT IT IT IT !!!" Cackling wickedly, she watched as the strange man ran about screeching and holding his ears. " NI NI NIIII!! "
"Well..sorry you Ni-man ...but you were grating on my nerves..but.....still..." Sighing with pity, the old woman threw a fish at his head. " There! HAH You look like a funny man, you should emjoy some comedy!" Flashing her fingers, the woman poited two times and out appeared two forms of dust.
"Now you...you shall be a king!" Pointing again at one of the figures, the form began to change and turn colorful until it became a man wearing a crown and a strange knightly guise with a Sun on the front.
"And you, you shall be a coward!" Cackling with glee, her eyes sparkled as the other figure formed a man with a shield bearing the mark of a chicken.
"NOW....BE FUNNY!" Crossing her legs indian style, the woman floated in the air and watched them. " Sit you two.." Motioning towards Nibbs and Crow, Baba then looked back at the two men she had created and saw them as the jumped back as the Ni-man shouted, "NI!" at them.
"NO...oh no..not the word...oh great Knight of Ni, spare us your tauntings..what do you desire!" The King shouted, his hands covering his ears.
Pausing to think, the Ni-man thought for a moment and then smiled. " A SHUBBERY...and maybe a chocolate bar!"
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