Swinging from his perch above Hiei, jack laughed and grinned his ever famous,"skeleton smile". " Heh, anyways..you better march your booty back to that tree mister spikey hair guy. Its not nice to mess with destiny you know. " Those words were all Hiei needed to grasp his anger and direct it into Jack's pale skull or a face and send him off like a rocket to the moon...but...for some reason, he stayed quiet and sat there moitionless.
peering down upon him, Jack stared at the crimson eyed boy as if he was trying to read his mind...but, as if it wasn't obvious...Jack kinda sucks at that.
" AH, you're shy aren't YA!?"Jack responded after much thought. " Thats it, isn't it! You've never talked to a girl before have you?? Awww, don't worry I'll help you out!" Little did Jack( our poor naive simpleton) know, was that as he was speaking, Hiei was showing signs of "extreme pissness" .
"HN, you are a STUPID FOOL!" Grabbing the tree branch that Jack hung from with his hand, he yanked feociously, pulling the limb clean off from the tree, then with Jack staring completely paralized, he threw it down straight into the ground. Dust and dirt exploded into the air as if an atomic bomb had crash landed upon the soil. With that, Hiei jumped away and watched with his jagan as Jack sat in the reckage looking off confused.
"Geez..he must be TERRIFIED of girls...he can't even have someone talk about 'em.."Still sitting in the destruction, Jack nodded his head slowly and smiled.
" Hehe...aww it'll work out I bet! He's a weirdo, but so is that chick too!"Chuckling, his ribcage expanded in and out as laughter filled him inside and escaped in his strange joyous outburst.
Little did the skeleton boy realize, or anyone in the Land of Tormented Souls for that matter...but above them a new found wave of terror was forming and was about to be sent crashing down upon the innocent souls, changing the world of torment forever.
"Ahh...what a nice day! No worries, no problems, no Jack..no NOTHING1 Ahhh I wish like this could last for all eternity..hehe." Chuckling to himself, Grim stretched out his tired old bones as he rested in his chair facing his desk free of paperwork.
" I love a day without anything to sign or read or file, tis the life!" For a moment, he sat there unsure of what to do with his bubbling happiness, he couldn't let a day like this pass him by. Then, his eyes of empty darkness filled with exitement. " DATS IT! Heh, its been YEARSm but I think I can still do it.." Grabbing ahold of his sythe, Grim twirled it around his pale boey fingers and with great reaper like skills, shot a green ray from the blade forming a hole of green and black swirls.
" A portal leading to the underworld! I'll just pop in and have few drinks and then come right back! What a day!" Heading straight for the portal like a child would to a candy store with its door open and owner tied to chair, Grim readied himself and jumped straight for the portal..he could almost hear the sounds of his home.
But that wasn't meant to be. The portal didn't meet Grim, however, the walls sure did. " WHAT IN DA NAME OF JIMNEY CRICKET-!" His anger melted away, a dark chill ran down his spine as he turned around two fimilar figured stood, holding out a long piece of parchment.
"Grim. We've issued a new law, your signature would be most appreciated." They didn't even fake a smile, or blink for that matter. Tak and Chrono stood as emoitionless as ever.
Dusting off his robes, the reaper of souls glanced down to the parchment being handed to him. The words on the page filled his eyes in an instant of fury. " YOU CANNOT ..and WILL NOT REWRITE OUR MOST SACRED RULE YOU BLASTED PAIR OF -"
"Now Grim. We are not looking for your opinion. We were sent here by the leader of the universe. He gave us strict instructions providing us with the authority to enforce any law we saw fit to benefit this world you govern." Tak rolled up this parchment and with great force "handed" it over to Grim.
"T-The Leader of the Un-niverse..?? HE sent you...?" Gripping the paper in his hands tightly, Grim shook, his fear evident.
" Yes, I see you know the greatness of his greatness. The son of -" Tak's cold lips inched upward forming a smirk, Chrono too smiled smugly at Grim's anxeity. This was what they were waiting to see.
"He gave us that power Grim. See to it that you enforce our new law, or be prepared to suffer HIS punishment." Laughing like a pair of evil killers walking away from a slaughter, Tak and Chrono left Grim in his office, closing the door loudly behind them.
"...." Buckling his knees, Grim fell to the floor, unrolling the parchment he read aloud, his voice choking. " Law 13 surmises that all souls bearing life name and knowledge of their own demise, will be ordered or forced to depart from the Land of Tormented Souls.
All those who don't comply reasonably will be dealt with the punishment of forced departure, sending the souls to an eternity of the "silent road" . All-"Crummpling the parchment within his grasp, Grim shook from fear and anger. His fury rose hot within his dead empty being of bones. "DAMN THEM! THOSE STUPUID CHALK HEADS!"
"Javvie...I'm tire-...tired.." Yawning deeply, Christina rubbed her eyes and clung to her love tightly. " That portal that took us all away from the storm was boring as hell. "
"I know dear." Javert said with a nod, his eyes scanning her tired form. " We'll rest in that place again, alright?" Hiding back his full smile, the inspector blushed deeply as she tightened her hold on him and smiled. " YES!"
Walking together in silence, they came upon a grassy hilltop, the sky spread overhead as if it were a giant canvas painted with deep blues and dotted with tiney twinkling stars.
"Javert...stars.." Looking up at her love she smiled and blushed a crimson hue as hse bit her lower lip trying not to speak. " mm.." Looking away, her heart yearned for it, but she couldn't ask him...
"You want me to sing Stars again, don't you love?" Staring up at the sky, the inspector smiled, wrapping his arm around his love, he then looked down to see her nod and smile at him with her eyes.
((send the lyrics if you would Billy ..^^))
Black beams of light shot through the sky, the inhabitants of the LOTS watched with joy as new members arrived right and left and every other which way.
One imperticular beam of black light came down under the cloud shaped like a ghost. Another soul for the Shadow clan came to the land of torment. As the light faded away and the soul lied on the cold hard ground, a faint memory drifted away from the soul.."Hakkai...I love you.." The fair woman's words were lost to him, that and the words and faces of his friends..whom were still upon the land of the living.
"HAAKAI! ITS ME GOKU- WAKE UP DAMMIT!" ...The words faded away....and were gone.
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The Book of Chaos: ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!
I love to write about ANYTHING! RP 's I may have made, things going on that I want to talk about...just a bunch of wonderful randomness! ^^- Oh, and a whole lot of Hiei stuff too! :heart:
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Sakura lady of death
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"Stars" lyrics. mrgreen
Oh, in the lyrics, when it says "And so it has been and so it is written", that's a mistake...It sould really say "And so it must be, for so it is written". 3nodding Oh, and obviously, leave out Gavroche's part. xD
O.O Hakai? As in "Saiyuki" Hakai? YAY! whee