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Kasumi Roseglimmer
Community Member
Medicine, Finally!
My sister took me to the chemist after she finished work last night and I finally got some Imodium! Thank GOD. I needed that really badly. Finally something to make this stop. Now I'm recovering nicely and we also went to the supermarket in the shopping centre and got me some safe, bland foods to eat for the meantime while my inflammation calms down. My insides must be pretty red and angry right now so I'm still sore in my guts and lower back and still tired but things are improving.

I had some gluten free toast and some orange and poppyseed mini muffins for last night's meal. And for breakfast, it was more toast. Dinner is going to be mashed potatoes with salt and butter. Since last time, that didn't cause a reaction.

I'm aiming to get up in the morning tomorrow instead of in the afternoon and I'm sure I'll have more energy and be able to catch up on my rps and my housework both. My mum is coming over this weekend to help me clean and do meal prep for premade healthy and safe meals as well.

It's been a hot day at 33C and tomorrow is meant to be 35C but that's thankfully gone down from being predicted as 37C. Thank goodness! I do not do well in hot weather and especially not heatwaves. Bring on the cold.

Actually, before these two heatwave days, we had like 4 consecutive days of rain and storms and mid to high 20s temps, so that was really nice. Every time it stops raining and the sun comes out, it gets really humid and muggy though. But a cool breeze from open screens and the fans on high plus cold drinks and iceblocks help. Not in heatwaves. I got my aircons on today and tomorrow.

I'm so SO relieved to get some relief at last. Now I can start to function normally again and catch up on things. But I do intend to follow up with the underlying cause of my illness with my doctor on Friday afternoon. Tests and an ESAT so I can get hooked back up with jobseeker employment services for people with disabilities. I got a letter a couple of days ago from my job support place saying they exited me from their program 'cause it's been two years with them already and no job. Haven't been well enough to hold down a job at ALL, but I still gotta jump through the hoops.

Am hoping once I find a new psychiatrist, I can trial some new medication and see if it improves things as well.

Okay well I'm gonna hop off and have dinner and go chill in my room for the rest of the evening. Things are looking up....

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