Well my mom is in another one of her moods again.
She's been acting upset since she got off the phone with my aunt.
So I asked her what was wrong.
What does she do?
She snaps at me.
She's all "I don't know, you tell me", and then she got up and left.
She's been avoiding me ever since...
and giving me dirty looks.
And once again, I don't know why!
If I knew what was wrong, I wouldn't have asked her!
Probably has something to do with my aunt's problems...
or that my dad wants us to go camping again.
OR that he almost applied for a job, but couldn't get it because it
turns out the business is gone now,
but they didn't change their website...
Who ******** knows...
All I have to say is, I'm sorry I cared.
She's not going to talk to me no matter how many times I ask her.
I leave her alone to freak out, and she thinks of me as a self-centered b***h
who doesn't give a damn.
I try to ask her what's going on, and she'll just snap or yell at me.
Or just plain not tell me anything.
Hello, remember me? Your daughter?
I live in this house too! I have a right to know what's going on!
Yet she insists on shutting me out!
And then turns around and claims I don't care.
- grabs Chrono -
"You're my translator. Now translate!"
Chrono - Eh? 0_o
Gawd, I wish.