It was only a matter of time.
So I found the Soul Eater episodes on a different website. X3 I made it to episode 22.
I'm not sure if Death The Kid is my favorite character now, since I got farther into the series (but he's still awesome). I've seen Stein now, and he's pretty kick a**. So, yeah, I think he's stolen the favorite character spot. Sorry Kid. XD
 ^ OMG RAPE FACE He's awesome, when he's not being totally batshit insane, and even when he is, he's still kind of awesome.
I kind of like Medusa, too, even though she's a b***h.
Definately having another mini marathon tomorrow. <3 I'm hooked. It's all your fault, Monica. Thank you.
If you haven't seen it, and you're curious, the episodes are here.
Edit: Watched more of it today, and awwww, Marie. X3
Ophrysia · Tue Jul 28, 2009 @ 01:28am · 0 Comments |