So yes, I'm back in school again.
Let me say... the first day sucked a**.
It was over 110 degrees outside, for one.
We have more freshmen running around than ever!
And I had to deal with their schedule mess-ups all day.
Plus there's a new person driving the bus...
she's crazy, and beyond lost!
I was all kinds of pissed off,
and frustrated almost to tears by the time I got home.
Good thing my old bus still goes to my stop.
Even though the stupid assistant principle said it didn't.
One of the reasons why I want to slap her.
Other than the fact that she basically
kicked my friend Lex out of school. The b***h.
Plus on the first day, I went up there to get help about my schedule.
I go to her for help, she ignores me and gives me this piece of paper,
then goes back to casually chatting with some other teacher.
I was supposed to have the paper signed by the teachers who's classes I wanted to leave,
and the ones whos' classes I wanted in.
So I go around all day with this paper, getting it signed by numerous people.
I go back to the office later, only to find out that I never had to deal with that paper... ever!
To make matters worse, she gave God knows how many kids the same damn paper!
She's such an idiot.
Why is she working at our school again?
Well, I did manage to drop Integrated Science II and Algebra B
for Geometry and Biology.
The two classes I actually needed to take.
So that's good.
And I have Biology with Chouinard.
This is the third year, in a row, that I've had him.
But that's cool, because he's an awesome teacher!
The other bad thing...
they raised everything on the lunch menu by 25 cents.
And the freshmen keep eating all the good food!
I've eaten nothing but potato chips...
except for the slice of pizza that I managed to get today.
Yay pizza! It is love!
I'll probably be back on chips tomorrow.
At least until mom and I go to the store and get lunch food.