Why is it that everytime you're
looking for a specific kind of Roleplay on Gaia,
there's suddenly an absense of that specific kind?
Gaia is just cruel like that, I suppose.
It happens to me every time I try to find a good roleplay.
I just watched Underworld: Evolution, for the first time.
And that put me in a 'vampire/lycan RP' mood.
They were everywhere just yesterday!
I actually go to look for one,
and suddenly... they're all gone.
I hate that. So very much.
And I would make my own
if my roleplays didn't always die so quickly.
But, anyway, on the subject of Underworld: Evolution.
Awesome movie. It kicked a**.
And Kraven died within the first 10-15 minutes of it!
I was so flippin' happy I almost started doing a happy dance.
Revenge for killing my favorite character, beeotch.
Speaking of Lucian, they showed him once or twice in the movie.
I just about cried.
Marcus is creepy as hell [ but he dies too, yay! ].
Viktor is an a*****e, but dead already. Also yay!
Amelia kicks a**! But, is also dead already. Well s**t.
And William. Well... William was kind of cool.
But also, creepy as hell.
And also... dead as dog s**t by the end of the movie.
And holy s**t, Selene is a daywalker now!
Sunlight no longer burns her. Yay. ^ ^
That was Alexander's doing.
Who is also... dead. Dammit, he was cool too.
She also got her hair cut.
By helicopter blades... oops.
[ Marcus's fault! ]
What's up with the cool people and dying all the time?!
In Underworld,
there was Lucian, Amelia, Kahn, and Raze.
All cool. All dead.
In Underworld Evolution,
there's William, and Alexander Corvinus.
Also cool. And, also dead.
And whatever happened to Erika?
Probably died when Marcus destroyed the mansion and s**t.
Kind of sad, really. She was sort of the comedy relief.
The whiny, slutty comedy relief.
But I guess she wouldn't have
been so funny after Kraven was gone.
She'd have to find some other a*****e of a vampire
and be their whore.
Who knows...