I get to go see Tim this weekend!
I haven't seen him since school ended.
The business his mom works for is having a company picnic,
and I get to go with them.
It should be cool.
The best part is, I get to see my boyfriend again.
I've missed him these past six weeks.
In other news... I still can't believe the school put me in
the wrong math class.
God knows how long it's going to take them to fix that!
I'm supposed to be in Geometry and Biology!
Not Algebra B and Integrated Science II...
I passed Algebra B last year!
I worked my a** off like crazy to pass that class!
- is very bad at math -
And the only reason they didn't put me in Biology,
is because I can't take it unless I'm in Geometry.
Which I'm not, thanks to their dumbassery.
If anyone knows how the feck that makes sence, tell me please.
At least the fact that I'm going to see Tim again
put me in a better mood.
A slightly better mood anyway.
I'm just wondering how long it's going to take the school to fix
what they screwed up.
I'm worried, personally. They tend to be lazy asses about these things.
In other, other, news!
Another friend of mine is leaving our school.
- sniffle -
Why? I'm gonna miss her!