Levy let out a soft sigh of relief as they walked out into the quiet open air surrounding the lake and grounds of the academy. I can only take the noise for so long with my sensitive ears... She thought to herself, looking up at the night sky with its starry eyes gleaming back down on the princess and her walking companion. This was her favorite time of night; all she needed now was a soft place to sit, a candle, and a good book to read. Her fingers were itching to get back to her books in her dorm room, but having Vincent by her side was just as nice. Her scarlet eyes roamed the ground, sparkling as much as the stars above them. Her blonde locks swayed in the subtle breeze as she walked, finally coming to a standstill at the edge of the pond, its pitch black surface shining with the reflection of the moon. Levy looked over at Vincent, catching his gaze on her body and she looked away and out over the seemingly endless lake. "Beautiful indeed," She agreed, wondering why it was the young duke was looking at her so. No thoughts of romanticism had crossed her mind since she first saw the boy, but perhaps they had not left his? He's too young... Maybe coming out here was a bad idea? The princess turned her attention back to Vincent - he was still staring, his sapphire eyes riveted on her. She coughed slightly, to alert him, feeling slightly embarrassed. It was at times like this that her brain seemed to lose control over her mouth, and soon her lips began to move without her even noticing as she spoke. "Did ya know that the moon's heavily cratered surface is the result of intense pummeling by space rocks between 4.1 billion and 3.8 billion years ago?" When it doubt, break out the facts...