Though his appearance put Jaspar's age at about 17 in human years, he was actually much older. Probably only a few hundred years younger than Shikumi, but still considered a child by the demons. His eyes narrowed to slits as he listened to her mock him, grabbing her quickly by her bound wrists. "Shut up. And get in the cage." He growled, his voice deep and threatening. It was a chilling sound, one that matched the shiny, blue eyes that peeked out from behind his messy locks.
Jaspar roughly pulled Shikumi towards the cage, dropping her wrists as she was standing just outside the door. "Get. In." He said in the same, deep voice, raising goosebumps on those close enough to hear him speak. All of a sudden, Shikumi could feel some sort of pressure on her head - it was highly uncomfortable and made it hard for her to focus. Jaspar's eyes had begun to shine brightly, glowing a bit as he watched her. The brighter the glowing was, the more pain Shikumi could feel on her mind. "That's it.. Teach the b***h a lesson. Use your powers. She won't know what hit her when you unleash your psionic blast..." "Try speaking nicely to her. She's a girl. Treat her like one." "GET OUT OF MY HEAD!"
With silence comes peace_With peace comes freedom_With freedom comes silence