✮ Nickname: Toph
✮ Real Name: Christopher Nolan
✮ Family: Claire Nolan (sister)
✮ Gender: Male
✮ Age: 21
✮ Height: 6'2"
✮ Personality: I was always a class clown and I love to play tricks on my friends. I like to think I’m a really loyal friend, but I definitely have a weak spot for women. The word I keep hearing about me is womanizer, which is probably pretty accurate. I was never really good with school, but I’m super passionate about music. I’m kinda a partier.
✮ Background Story: I was born and raised in the same city my entire life up until we broke through. I have a twin sister named Claire, but we’re polar opposites, though one thing we have in common is music. But where I love to drum and make loud noises, she’s a clarinetist and prefers classical music. My parents have always been really supportive of the both of us. My dad is the senior English teacher at the high school we attended and my mom works at a bank, so I guess that makes us a pretty typical American family. I started my musical training as a saxophone player (yes, I can read sheet music) but I hated having to follow exactly what was printed in the music. So when high school started, I joined the jazz band as the drummer. I had so much freedom to make up my own rhythms that I switched completely to percussion. I’m not stupid, but I’m a horrible student. I had no chance of getting into college
✮ Likes: Music; Playing Pranks; Drumming; Energy Drinks; Alcohol; Traveling; Girls; Older Bands; Dubstep; Watching Movies; Superheroes; Football; Hanging out with Friends; Taking Pictures
✮ Dislikes: Sitting Still; Long Car Rides; People Talking through Movies
✮ Controlled By: Sharlea Isabella