✮ Nickname: Mixolydian
✮ Secret Identity: Sharlea North
✮ Family: Jasper North
✮ Gender: Female
✮ Age: 18
✮ Power: Sound wave manipulation. Can use sound waves to attack and locate things (similar to echolocation)
✮ Personality: Sharlea isn't a bad person. She can be cocky and quick tempered, but overall she causes trouble merely to entertain herself. She tends to be slightly apathetic to others she does not know. When she finds things overly frustrating she often works herself up to the point of crying, which she hates for people to see. Energetic and upbeat around people she cares about, being on her bad side is not in one's best interest.
✮ Background Story: Sharlea comes from a family of rather uniquely gifted people so she is rather use to using her abilities publicly. It was a shock to her when she realized that not everyone was born with talents like hers. While in school, she did her best to keep her talent to herself, but she always viewed herself as better than most of her classmates because of what she could do. She has a touch of a rebellious nature that lead to several incident with the disciplinarian of the school. However, her older brother, Jasper, was always there to protect her and keep her in line. Once he left for college, though, Sharlea found herself getting into more and more trouble.
She enjoyed feeling the power that came being able to use her abilities to control a situation. Her love of music and her ability to manipulate sound inspired her nickname.
✮ Likes: ♬Music
xxxxxxxxx♬Causing Trouble
xxxxxxxxx♬Dancing (Though she's not very good)
✮ Dislikes: ♬Being treated differently due to her age
xxxxxxxxx♬ Falling
xxxxxxxxx♬Loud Noises (she's very sensitive to them)
xxxxxxxxx♬Being patient
✮ Controlled By: Sharlea Isabella