Human Appearance

Demon Appearance

Azazel Sorin Belikov
True Age
2,735 years old
Age Mistaken For
29 years old
Special Fox Demon Breed
Charming but Ruthless, those words describe his personality best for two different times. He can be Charming, sweet, and very tender to those he cares about, when the time calls for it, but at times when someone is in trouble, or hurt the ruthlessness in him takes over making sure any possibility of the one he cares about getting hurt is completely gone.
Azazel was and still is one of the first Demons ever to be born into this world. His mother and father were both Fox demons, but half breeds. Yet he was born a full blooded demon, meaning he could take a completely human form, which he now keeps unless he feels comfortable around others in his fox form. As well as the fact that his fox form is about three times bigger than his human form. So it’s a little hard to stay in his true form in such small hallways in his large house.
Azazel’s parents were also slaves, meaning Azazel had been born into a life of servitude, but one day he changed that for himself, though he keeps the metal collar around his neck for a reminder of what he used to be, so he does not treat anyone underneath him as he was once treated before. He lived his life of servitude for two centuries, by day he was a menial slave, doing hard labor around the estates he was born on, and by night when he was finally considered old enough he was to tend to the head mistress he slaved for, pleasing her in more ways than one.
After finding a way to release his parents and himself from the Mistress, he dared to try and escape one night with his parents, though on their way out of the mansion they ran into some menial slaves who had been brainwashed by the Mistress, and his parents ended up staying behind to let him escape. That was over eighteen hundred years ago. Azazel has not heard a word from his parents, and now he believes them to be dead. Now any slave he takes on, he treats them kindly giving them a very warm bed, food to eat, and the choice to do things, as in lay with him or sleep alone. He tends to his slaves diligently making sure they are comfortable, and if they truly wish to be free and show he can trust them he gives them their deepest wish.

Demon Appearance

Azazel Sorin Belikov
True Age
2,735 years old
Age Mistaken For
29 years old
Special Fox Demon Breed
Charming but Ruthless, those words describe his personality best for two different times. He can be Charming, sweet, and very tender to those he cares about, when the time calls for it, but at times when someone is in trouble, or hurt the ruthlessness in him takes over making sure any possibility of the one he cares about getting hurt is completely gone.
Azazel was and still is one of the first Demons ever to be born into this world. His mother and father were both Fox demons, but half breeds. Yet he was born a full blooded demon, meaning he could take a completely human form, which he now keeps unless he feels comfortable around others in his fox form. As well as the fact that his fox form is about three times bigger than his human form. So it’s a little hard to stay in his true form in such small hallways in his large house.
Azazel’s parents were also slaves, meaning Azazel had been born into a life of servitude, but one day he changed that for himself, though he keeps the metal collar around his neck for a reminder of what he used to be, so he does not treat anyone underneath him as he was once treated before. He lived his life of servitude for two centuries, by day he was a menial slave, doing hard labor around the estates he was born on, and by night when he was finally considered old enough he was to tend to the head mistress he slaved for, pleasing her in more ways than one.
After finding a way to release his parents and himself from the Mistress, he dared to try and escape one night with his parents, though on their way out of the mansion they ran into some menial slaves who had been brainwashed by the Mistress, and his parents ended up staying behind to let him escape. That was over eighteen hundred years ago. Azazel has not heard a word from his parents, and now he believes them to be dead. Now any slave he takes on, he treats them kindly giving them a very warm bed, food to eat, and the choice to do things, as in lay with him or sleep alone. He tends to his slaves diligently making sure they are comfortable, and if they truly wish to be free and show he can trust them he gives them their deepest wish.