When Aroused For Blood:

Name: Lucian Doru Dumitru
Nicknames: Luca, Dimka
D.O.B.: November 16 1737
Age: 275 years old, look about 27
Race: Vampire
Nationality: Romanian
Languages: Any language known to Humans.
Familiar: A black Panther http://i14.photobucket.com/albums/a331/AlienateWD/Panther.jpg
Abilities: Telekinesis, the ability to move objects with his mind. As well as the ability to control the elements.
Height: 6’3
Looks: Aside from the picture above, his body is well built and all muscle.
Personality: Luca is a sweet man, or was, until he was turned at the age of 27 a little over 250 years ago. He can be cynical, rude, and sarcastic, but deep down he has the ability to be sweet again he just needs the extra help.
History/Bio: Lucian was born into a wealthy family, Always spoiled and just a down right snobbish brat. One night two hundred and forty-eight years ago all of that changed for him. It had been a wonderful night in Romania, clear sky and beautiful weather. Lucian had just gotten done at a party and was walking home. Though the streets were lit it was still pretty dark out, and he had no idea that he was being followed. He was about to turn onto the last street to get to his residence when his wife had popped up behind him. She had not accompanied him to the party so it was a shock to him to see her outside of the house. “Anna! What are you doing outside the house?” He gasped as she lunged for him. You see Anna had always been jealous of his late night party’s. But she had once secret from him he never figured out. She never left the house, and never ventured into sunlight. He thought it was because she was allergic to the light, but he never knew it would kill her. Biting her husband on the beck she drained him of his blood then dragged him into the house with no problem. About a week later he woke up in the middle of the night thirsty like never before. But whiskey didn’t sate his hungry, nor did water, or tea… no upon trying to figure out what to sate his thirst with one of his maids came up behind him and surprised him. What shocked him even more was the fact that he could smell her blood, almost taste it on his tongue and he hadn’t thought like that before. Baring fangs at her he lunged at her and drained her dry. She struggled beneath him for a bit before she began to moan from the poison in his lethal bite and after draining her of her blood the only thing he could do was stare at her lifeless body in horror.