Race: Vampire
Age: 21
Personality: Quiet, mysterious, kind, and shy. When people first meet her they are scared of her and think she is going to kill them, but she has never killed anybody in her life. After somebody has gotten to know her they become close friends, but then, she used to always absorb them. Literally. And on accident. She has the worst luck. She always seems quiet. She is very kind and polite, yet can be mean and annoying. She also has never drank another person's blood before. She's hemophobic.
Weapons:She can make wonderful swords and other weapons in mere moments using the elements. She can also use the elements as weapons within themselves. She has a built up armory of powers from all that she's absorbed.
Bio: Her parents were both vampire, and they hated each other. When she was a year old they fought and killed each other, leaving her alone. The police came to the house a week later and found her screaming and crying, and starved.They brang her to an orphanage where she was nursed back to health, then when she was six she ran away. She hated having to be around all humans, being made fun of because she had 'weird teeth' and 'red eyes'. Ever since then she had taken care of herself, and been alone. Throughout her journeys she had absorbed demons, angels, and many other creatures, granting her with many powers,all of which she doesn't even know about. She now currently resides in an abandoned mansion and lives in her own mansion.
Powers:She can absorb any creature, including humans and vampires. She has many secret and unknown powers. Some of which she knows of is she can heal herself, but it takes energy. She can control the elements, and create barriers. She constantly is discovering more, and as she travels and encounters creatures, she used to absorb them, not on purpose, but on accident, completely at random. They were always in physical contact with her when it happened.
Weakness:Her biggest weakness used to be the fact that anybody she got close with she absorbed. She also is extremely shy, and depressed. Now, her biggest weakness is that she is emotionally vulnerable, mostly a pacifist, and fairly gullible.
Appearance:She has long black hair, and red eyes that seem to show anger, pain, and hatred. Her face is smooth and Caucasian color, along with the rest of her body. She looks very human, with her skin color. She has glasses and a black bag over her shoulder, in which usually had a book, and a sketchpad with drawing pencils and erasers, and maybe some snacks. She had a black shirt sleeve shirt made of cotton, with a black jacket over it, and black skinny jeans. She has black converses, and an amulet with a black orb piece.

Other:One day she came across an old dying wizard. Before he passed away he gave her a beautiful black necklace with an onyx sphere shaped center piece, which made it so she could not absorb anything. She wears it constantly, and so now she is safe around people. People thinks she is the one who killed her parents.