Species: Cat/Kitten
Fur color: White with brown stripes
Height: 5'5"-5'6"
Build: Average
Eyes: Blue
Fur Style:Medium length, soft. Fur at the top of the head grown out longish.
Gender: Female
Name: Jello
Special Markings: A Rainbow, with a heart in the arc, anywheres you deem it would fit.
Personality-wise, Jello is shy, innocent, and quite affectionate to anyone who she has become comfortable with. She can act very childish and silly, but also has her moments of seriousness. She can often be found sad when she is without her mate, Mastry (a wolf). She is coming to enjoy the subject of science, but still finds math to be the enemy. Sometimes she attempts to be frightening, by going "ROAR! I'mma scurreh monstar!" but claims have been that she's either too cute to be scary or just not scary, however she still tries to come off as scary when she gets in her 'Roar' mood.