David Yates, I have to say, you slightly disappointed me. I wanted to see Malfoy being saved from a Death Eater, then getting punched by Ron and not knowing. I wanted to see more of the Prince’s Tale, more of the battle. Pettigrew was in the battle, I saw him, but I highly doubt anyone else noticed him battling Kingsly. I wanted to see how Lupin and Tonks died. No, scratch that, I want to know who died. What happened to most of these characters? We know Neville becomes a Herbology teacher, but it’s not in the movie. The only thing is he saved everyone’s a** at Hogwarts, and pulled out the Sword of Gryffindor. And Luna?! After she stands up to Harry, probably one of her greatest scenes, we know nothing about her. There was no battle in the Ravenclaw Tower, but instead, averted straight to Helena. I wanted to see the Carrows, I wanted to see inside of the common room. I wanted to see more of 19 Years Later, more Neville, actually.
However, I was really happy with how most was portrayed. ^-^. Helena Ravenclaw was great. ‘Shy’, but opened up to Harry, of course. Scary too. I liked how the cursed fire was portrayed too. The only thing that disappointed me in that scene is that there was no Crabbe, so no one died. Goyle only spoke to Malfoy, not to Harry. I liked Aberforth’s part, about the mirror and confrontation with Harry. The thing is, the goat, and going more into Ariana’s story. All he said was that she responded to him only, and his brother sacrificed a lot for power, including her. When they set up the shields, and when Mc Gonagall started attacking Snape. Gringott’s vault’s were amazing. When it all multiplied, it really did look like they were going to drown in a bunch of cups. It wasn’t burning hot though. Now, the best and the worst.
The best parts was Bellatrix losing to Molly, Voldemort hugging Draco, Neville going “That’s right! You and who’s army?!” all cocky, then running when they get past, and of course, The Prince’s Tale. I was going to cry.. going to (stupid.. doors..). I wanted to see more of Petunia, Lily and Severus. It’s amazing how you could tell Lily and Petunia were related, actually. They could be. :3. Petunia’s signature ‘Freak’ and Snape’s signature greasy hair.. c:
The worst part, absolute worst, I think, was Fred’s death. Not because I was sad by it, but more because of how it was shown. There was no Percy to battle the Imperio’d Minister, and there was no joke to be made to Fred. There was no ‘the ghost of his last smile, etched upon his face.’ I was disappointed. While people were crying, I was just thinking, where the hell is Percy? To me, it wasn’t saddening at all until Ron started to cry. Percy was the one person who was supposed to tie that scene together, and blam. David Yates.