Guys, I'm so excited! Guess what came in my inbox today?! Dear MBA Summer Band Camp Participant: On behalf of the Manitoba Band Association, I am pleased to confirm your participation in the MBA Summer Band Camp at Mennonite Brethren Collegiate (181 Riverton Avenue). Listed below is some general information. Your Name - If your name is spelled incorrectly on the list at the end of this email, please reply with the correct spelling of your name. Receipts - Will be emailed in August.
Arrival - Arrive with your instrument at MBCI's Jubilee Place - east door at 5:00 pm on Sunday, August 7. Bring your completed Health Form at that time(attached). Sunday's registration and orientation will conclude between 6:00 and 6:30 pm. An instructor will listen to you play and ask a few questions about your music background. If possible bring music to play that will show your level of performance. Parents may wait in Jubilee Place during this time. Daily Schedule - Students are expected to stay with the group at all times, attend all sessions and participate in all activities, including the Friday evening Final Concert. Each day will run from 8:45 am - 3:30 pm. Allow enough time each morning to set up for the 8:45 am session. Arrival may be as early as 8:00 a.m. and pick up about 4:00 p.m. Messages can be left at MBCI (667-8210, ext. 5002). In an emergency, students can be reached immediately at the school. Noon Activities - Bring a bag lunch. Recreation activities will be organized for all students at the park or in the gym in case of rain. Students should bring running shoes and may bring other equipment to use during recreation activities. Weather permitting, students and staff will have an outdoor picnic lunch on Friday. Public Concerts - Family and friends are invited to attend the Staff Recital on Thursday afternoon, the Student Chamber Ensemble Recital on Friday afternoon, and the Final Concert in Jubilee Place on Friday evening at 7:30 pm. Admission is free to all events. Visitors - Family and friends are welcome to visit. Please notify camp staff upon arrival. What to Bring
CLOTHING - Dress casually during the week in "gym-friendly" clothes, including running shoes. For the Friday concert wear a white shirt, dark pants, skirt or dress, shoes and socks. No jeans or shorts please at this concert. MUSIC INSTRUMENT - Clearly label your instrument case and keep a copy of the serial number on file. You may wish to check that your instrument is insured. The MBA can not assume responsibility for lost, stolen or damaged private property. Students may leave their instruments at the school overnight in the band room storage cubicles. ACCESSORIES - Students must bring the accessories they may need (extra reeds, valve oil, brass mutes (if you have them), cork grease, slide grease, etc.) Percussion instruments will be provided, but bring drum sticks and other mallets, if you have them. Everyone must bring pencils. SHEET MUSIC AND STUDY MATERIAL - Students will be given full band music, small ensemble music, and technical material to use during the week. If you have other material you would like to work on please bring it.
KYYYAAAAAA!!!! You have nooo idea how excited I was when my mom told me the MBA called (they misspelled my email) and when I found out I received the email, oh my goodness, oh my goodness. I was sooo excited! I was a bit scared too since it says I have to play something.. BUT STILL
Hey, I live in MB, and pretty close to where it is! If any Gaians wanna come, come look for me ^o^! I play the alto saxophone c: