Tough Love, a Game of Chasexxxxx

Now she was in another town full of new faces and new jobs. They came to her of course, nobody with innocence on their mind approached her, who would? Aura never went anywhere without companions, and they bit, they bit like hell. Roger and Fera, her two dobermans weren't far from her. Close to her and far from others they looked playful, cheerfully jogging at her side and she all the while just acting childlike, nonchalant. She swung her arms, glanced at the polish on her fingers to question when a new coating of the salmon color polish would need to be redone, prodding at her stalkings and adjusting the straps of her shirt that was obviously far from the feminine appeal. Aura had a wiry figure, she was short but her body appeared long. Her face was cute at least, with a small button nose and large, salmon colored doe eyes, the estranged work of her mothers genetics, but her lips curled and doted to form a genuinely charming smile. Small, but long enough to make a daunting curve on her heart shaped head she had at least enough to seem attractive. Everything about her writhed with a dark allure but seemed to provoke a second glance because the first seemed a betrayal of one's senses. If her bangs weren't so frustrating when long, she might have kept them too, but the constant brushing in front of her eyes made them an irritable feature.
At the pausing of a passerby, the dogs acted up, glaring and beginning the brisk eruption of a growl that usually arose with the anticipated fear they sensed far to easily. Children were normally safe, although Aura hated sticking around people younger than herself and would often pass them by entirely. Her life existed of one real importance and that was simply to chase after the man who granted her the pups as a young girl, the only parting gift from anyone who had been familiar with her parents. Now she was chasing what was beginning to feel like the ghost of a man she barely new. He was a broad, looming figure, held to reality by her thinning grasp of the world. He may have held expectations for her, but she was far to young to tell and was only accustomed to imagining his reasoning.
Beginning to whistle, she found her eyes glued to the back of a man's head. His hair was cropped but the broad shoulders and slouching physique seemed familiar. In the midst of her pondering she found herself following him, rounding corners and winding down no-name streets until he was gone. Eyes searching out the man once more she felt her heart thunder as he dogs had wandered off, lost some where along the way. "Roger, Fera..." Her voice suddenly lowered, the strength shifting all to her left pocket where she clasped the handle of her gun, one of the few defenses she kept a hold of. It was unusual because she rarely needed them with Fera and Roger, it was the first time they left her, could it really have been him? Should she be worried? Then, with a swift turn, she evaded the alleyway before her only to find herself at gunpoint.
(( It's preferred you play the man she was following or someone that that man knows. You can be a cop whose chased her down, the man she's been looking for, someone who wants her to work for him, a criminal, the partner of a criminal she's got, anything that sounds like it could make for a story really. Also note the man she's trying to find is an acquaintance of her parents, she has something of a crush on him and he's not really more than 5-7 years older. ))