One More Black Cat xxxxx

"Jinx, they're waiting on you!" Slowly, the vision of a scrawny man, tall and towering came into sight. He didn't have much body to him, only a ghost-like complexion and dark, formal apparel that made him nearly one with the shade he stood cloaked in. This man went by the name of Sheim, a recognizable person to anyone who managed to sink their feet into even the shallowest waters of their little business. This was not the only individual in the room though, aside from him were three other characters, each with their own distinct and exotic attractions and all equally recognizable. Sitting unconcerned at a table each with a hand of cards garnering the better of their attention. To the farthest left was Marder whose most recognizable characteristic was the wispy white hair and never still greyed eyes that despite his clear youth made him look ethereal and gave a lunatic's touch to a once sane young man. The third gentleman, Dante, was more so wild in his appearance, with a long mane of deep chestnut colored hair, amber irises, and lack of clothing that nearly indecently exposed the writhing flesh strewn with animalistic scars he seemed the most confident and also the most attentive to Sheim's entrance. Beside him, nearest to Sheim was the one called for, Jinx, a stern looking young woman never without something to taunt between her paled lips. Her hair was a long bright red that curled malevolently in every direction with white, hollowed eyes that nearly stole the attention of anyone who was not accustomed to them. A woman marked only with two large comma markings below each eye and a larger, more strange and hidden sign across her back. She, like the group dressed oddly, although no attire was quite like the next and never were any the same.
Turning her head, the ravenous glare seemed to penetrate the familiar face of Sheim and a disruption of her card game meant a heavy fine. Taking this to note, and figuring her token already in her head, she stood, dropping her cards, solid aces with the exception of a king of diamonds, Jinx turned stiffly from the two others at the table and moved towards Sheim, her finger bending begrudgingly under the man's narrow jaw as if to beckon further intimacy. "Sheim, you best have a good excuse for not letting me see a game through." Arching a brow, her arms were already over his shoulders and in a daunting awkward affection, she waited no more than a single moment before slipping out the golden rod between her lips to give him a quick peck on the cheek before returning it.
On the other hand, Sheim jostled free of Jinx quickly after her affectionate show, never really one who took to any intimacies, especially with the provocative chantings of the two that were feet away. "Jinx..." Coughing into his hand and saving himself with a step back he shook his head, pointing towards where he had entered as if that would be enough to answer all her questions and appease her curiosity. It was.
Jinx sauntered away more quickly than the others could follow and before she knew it, she had arrived at the desk where two handsome looking men awaited. These of course were customers or clientele, obvious by the more usual attire and looks in general. "Well hello, hello, and welcome to Incae Tevor, where all wishes are just a pretty penny away." Her voice carried sweetly through the hall, and the room where they awaited looked inviting enough. A pleasant looking waiting room, sort of like a therapist's lobby with the addition of some ancient looking art work that was hung and inspired by the hosts themselves, namely Jinx with the secondary voice of Dante. The two men shook, straightening themselves as instantly as they were addressed before finding the woman that was before them. Jinx was accustomed to a variety of reactions, especially from people who were not familiar with her sort of work, black magic. Simply said, Jinx was a black cat, a median for all sorts of strange works. Everything from giving people diseases dangerous enough to start another bubonic plague to reviving animals for an ironic fee she was the one to turn to, just as each of the others contributed their special little 'talents' as well. Sheim was a leech, able to do magic by the fee of blood. Dante was a lycan and mainly just handled the heavy work and Marder was, well, the one no one wanted to end up with.
[ So you can play Shiem, Dante, Marder, or an original character. Good guy, bad guy it doesn't matter. Essentially she sort of a witch, Shiem and Marder are vampires and Dante is a werewolf. The usually get rid of creatures like themselves so you can be one such creature or a guy that comes to join. Just something interesting really. This is more pro-fantasy, meaning humans really aren't too usual characters although it is as modern setting. Otherwise, just know I play as Jinx, the character to the side. ]