Lyra Janelle Nightwing-Lacerte
Current Age: Newborn
Has hazel eyes and blonde hair.
Her skin is a light caramel like her mother.
She is half vampire from her father, and an archangel from her mother.
Her horse is a buckskin named Spirit.
He has a white streak in his black mane.
His eyes are blue as the sea.

Her dragon, Luce (meaning light in Italian), is white with blue scales.
He looks something like this... but he's completely white, aside from the blue scales.

Lyra is able make people believe what she wishes.
She is able to hypnotize them into doing almost anything she wants them to do.
Because of the eye color change that goes on between her mother and her aunt everytime Naomi's daemon is reborn, Lyra's eyes are a mix of blue and green.
Although, she is not affected by the switch between Nati and Naomi.
She is a shapeshifter, but can only shift into animal's she's touched at least 3 different times.
Her soul creature is a leopard named Aya. (Short for Ayalie, pronounced [ahh-yahh-lee]).

Aya can shrink and grow like Castiel does.
She can sense other daemons, and through Aya, Lyra knows what powers a Creator has.
Aya's claws retract when in kitten form, and cannot be seen unless in battle.
They have a deadly poison inside them and a small coat over them.
When Aya claws at an enemy, the poison seeps through her claws and goes into the enemy.
9 years old


When she gets her wings:
(Looking for pic...)
Other: Even as a newborn, she is shy and observant.
She hardly cries and is very intelligent; always happy.
As she gets older she tends to know alot without people telling her certain things.
She is very calm, not too talkative until she really gets to know you.
Other than that, she loves to explore and interact with animals.
She's also somewhat of a daddy's girl.